

第1个回答  2011-01-29
第2个回答  2011-02-02
山东省邹平县礼参初级中学 高新辉


1. Can you o_____ the games for the part?

2. My sister makes a l______ by giving piano lessons.

3. I had no c_______ to see him again.

4. I’m tired today so I will go to bed early t_______.

5. I’m going to become a p_______ basketball player.

6. If they become famous, people will watch them all the time and f_____ them everywhere.

7. I forgot your address. I can’t r_______ the way to your home.

8. Some sports are very dangerous and the players often get i______.

9. They are r_______ money for the poor.

10. That girl can speak s_______ languages.

11. The skating m _______ has been going for four hours.

12. C ________ stamps is my hobby.

13. I have an e_______ room for you to live in.

14. We are twins and we have a lot in c_______.

15. England is an E_______ country.

16. Beijing is the c________ of China.

17. He is from another country, so he is a f_______.

18. The t_______ of this speech(演讲)is “ My Hobby” ..

19. I’m c_______ I can do well in English through hard work.

20. I get a________ when someone talks to me while I am reading.

21. He wants to be a teacher in the f_________.

22. China is an A______ country.

23. His sister works in a restaurant. She was a w_______.

24. Mrs Brown is cooking in the k________.

25. The girl had a bad cold and c_______ badly.

26. My father doesn’t a________ me to use his computer.

27. We should speak to the old p________.

28. You can find p_______ telephones easily in our city now.

29. —— May I borrow your bike?
—— Certainly , but you must r______ it soon.

30. More than two t_________ people lost their lives in the accident.


1. The students will go to the Summer Palace if it ________ (not rain) tomorrow.

2. Please ask the children _______ (not play) in the street.

3. I had a difficult time _______ (solve) the problem.

4. They say they were _________ (happy) before they became rich and famous.

5. The old man had to make a living by _____ (work) for the rich.

6. My father likes stamps very much. He is a stamp ______ (collect).

7. Thank you for _______ (send) me the gift.

8. In the second World War, many _______ (Jew) people were killed.

9. His watch is broken, so he needs _____ (find) a watch shop.

10. The teacher often teaches us _______ (play) football.

11. The girl got a birthday cake on her _______ (twelve) birthday.

12. My hobby is ______ (make) paper boats.

13. He went there ______ (get) a job.

14. It’s snowing outside. Be _______ (care) when you walk.

15. You are _______ (allow) to smoke here.

16. Tom tried _______ (not fall) behind others.


1. We had fun at the party. (改为同义句)
We ______ ______ at the party.
We ______ ________ _______ ______ at the party.

2. Work hard, or you won’t pass the exam. (改为复合句)
________ ________ ________ work hard, you won’t pass the exam.

3. He started to collect shells about 4 years ago. ( 用for about 4 years 替换4 years ago)
He ______ _______ ________ shells for about 4 years.

4. He has been collecting kites for 5 years.(对划线部分提问)
_______ _______ _______ he been collecting kites?

5. I think I’m going to organize the party. (对划线部分提问)
_______ _____ ______ ______ _______ going to do?

6. Do you mind if he opens the door? (同义句)
Would you mind _____ ______ the door?

7. My bike doesn’t work. (同义句)
There is ______ ______ with my bike.

8. He will come. I will tell you. (用if连成一句)
______ he _______, I______ _______ you.

9. The meeting will start in ten minutes. (对划线部分提问)
______ ______ will the meeting start?


1. 请你把音乐的声音关小一点好吗?
________ you _______ _______ ______ the music?

2. 在公共场所大声喧哗是不礼貌的。
It’s _______ to ______ _______ in ___ __.

3. 我们应该努力工作使生活更美好。
We should work hard to _______ our life _______.

4. 如果你不努力工作,你就会失败。
______ you ________ _______ hard, you’ll fail.

5. 他看电视有三个小时了。
He has been _______ _______ three hours.

6. 这项工作花了我们近两天时间。
It took us _______ _______ _______ to do the work.

7. 她的新连衣裙具有欧洲风格。
Her dress is in _______ style.


1. Please let me to know when you will come back.

2. My mother told me don’t to watch too much TV.

3. On my way home, I saw a thief steals in a shop.

4. When Mike was four, he was able to rides the bike.

5. How long have he been collecting kites?

6. Xi’an is really an interested city with a very long colorful history.

7. Would you mind do the cleaning?


1. Half the class ______.
A .is sing B. is singing C. are singing D. sings

2. The place is famous ___ __ its hot spring.
A. from B. to C. for D. with

3. Don’t eat food in class. If you do, the teacher will ______.
A. take them away B. take away it C. take it away D. take away it

4. You had better ____ jeans. If you don’t, we won’t let you in.
A. wear B. wearing C. to wear D. wears

5. My uncle is very rich. He makes _____ money.
A. a little B. a few C. many D. much

6. Some of my friends are interested ______ art.
A. at B. of C. in D. on

7. _______ with the fire. It’s dangerous.
A. Do let not children play
B. Don’t let children to play
C. Don’t let children playing
D. Don’t let children play

8. In this summer, Jim wants to learn ______.
A. how swim B. how to swim C. how swimming D. to swim how

9. He has never visited the Great Hall of the People, ______?
A. hasn’t he B. has he C. does he D. doesn’t he

10. My mother has taught English ______ over twenty years.
A. for B. since C. of D. after

11. I’m sorry, but I don’t know. Please ask _______.
A. someone else B. anyone else C. else anyone D. else someone

12. Harbin is a beautiful city. _______ people come here to visit the Sun Island.
A. Thousands B. Thousand of C. Thousands of D. Thousand

13. Remember, boys and girls. _______ you work, _______ result you will get.
A. The better, the harder
B. The harder, the better
C. The hard, the better
D. The harder , the good

14. Would you like _____ the new bike?
A. try B. to try C. trying D. tried

15. Did it take them _____ back home by bus?
A. five and a half hours came B. five and half hour coming C. five hours and a half to come D. five hour and a half had come

16. What _______ things can you see?
A. else B. other C. others D. else’s

17. Harry Potter is an ______ book for children, but my cousin doesn’t seem at all ______in it.
A. interesting, interested B. interested, interested C. Interesting, interested

18. His father _____ coins since he was in middle school. He is a great_______.
A. has been collecting, collection B. collected, collected
C. collecting, collector D. has been collecting, collector

19. Please _____ your raincoat. It’s raining now.
A .be in B. wear C. dress D. put on

20. Could you ______ basketball here?
A. play B. playing C. to play D. plays

21. Would you mind ______ those old jeans?
A. don’t wear B. not wearing C. not to wear D. doesn’t wear

22. Father doesn’t allow me _____ the car.
A. driving B .to drive C. drives D. is driving

23. If you happen _______ that interesting story, please tell me.
A. to find B. finding C. found D. finds

24. You ______ to the meeting this afternoon if you have something important to do.
A. needn’t to come B. don’t need come C. don’t need coming D. needn’t come

25. Of the five students, one is a boy, and _______ are girls.
A. another four B. the other four C. the others four D. others four


A: Victor! 1
B. Thank you!
A: 2
B: Six hours.
A: 3
B: 4
A: You are an excellent skater, Victor. Do you skate every day?
B: Yes, I do.
A: How long have you been skating?
B: Since I was seven years old. 5

A. Was this your first skating marathon?
B. Congratulations on winning the skating marathon!
C. Yes, it is.
D. No, I skated in a marathon last year.
E. How long did you skate last year?
F. How long have you been skating today?
G. I got my first pair of skates on my seventh birthday from my grandmother.


Erik was a fourteen-year-old boy. He thought he was a young man but his parents didn't think so. They told him, "When you begin to think about
1 others, you'll be a young man." One morning, his parents gave Erik 2 money to buy hamburgers at a store. He saw an old man there. The man looked very 3 . Erik went up to him and found that the old man had lost his money and hadn't had 4 for his breakfast. Erik took the old man to the nearest restaurant. But the man ordered only a glass of water for 5 . Erik felt sorry for him, so he asked the waiter to 6 the man some bread and a cup of coffee. The old man was so 7 that he ate up all the food very soon. After that, the man told Erik that he would never forget 8 kindness. Erik was very pleased when he heard the old man say, "You are a very good young man." 9 their surprise, the food was a present because 10 day was the birthday of the boss.

1. A. help B. helping C. o help D. helped
2. A. a few B. few C. some D. many
3. A. sick B. tired C. happy D. fine
4. A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing
5. A. themselves B. herself C. myself D. himself
6. A. take B. bring C. taking D. bringing
7. A. full B. worried C. hungry D. sad
8. A. your B. my C. her D. his
9. A. For B. To C. At D. On
10. A. that B. this C. those D. these


Matt's hobby was collecting stamps. He had stamps from many countries, like America, Egypt and China. On his birthday, can you guess what people gave him? That's right-stamps.

Matt's favorite stamps came from France. He had almost every stamp from 1954 to 2003. He only needed one. That was a 1974 special edition (版). It was very hard to find.

He looked for it everywhere. He asked his friends and relatives to help him. But nobody could find the stamp. It made Matt very sad.

"Don't worry," his father said to him. "You'll find it one day."
"I hope so," Matt said.
"Be patient (耐心的),"his father said. "Don't give up."

Besides collecting stamps, Matt liked writing. He had a pen friend in France. They wrote to each other every month. Matt's pen friend, Philip gave him a big, green stamp. It looked old. When Matt received the letter, he was very surprised. On the envelope, he looked closely at the stamp. It was the 1974 special edition stamp. Matt was so happy! He told his sister, his mother and his father.

"You see," his father said, "You did find your stamp. So, you see, it's good to have two things in life."
"What are they?" Matt asked.
“Friends and patience (耐心).” he answered.

1. Matt loved the stamps from ______best.
A. America B. Egypt C. France

2. It was very difficult for Matt to find a special French stamp of_____.
A. 1954 B. 1974 C. 2003

3. His father told him to_______.
A. stop looking for it
B. ask his friends for help
C .be patient

4. ______sent Matt the letter with the special edition stamp on it.
A. Philip B. Philip's mother C. Matt's father

5. According to (根据) the story, Matt learned that it's good to have _______in life.
A. a special stamp B. friends and patience C. a happy family


以If I have a lot of money, I’ll …为开始句,写一篇60—80词的文章。可进行适当拓展。提示:如果我有很多钱,我将做我喜欢的事情来谋生,这可以使我的生活更舒服。我可以周游世界;去上大学,接受好的教育;为慈善机构筹款;为我的父母买座大房子;去帮助贫穷的人……