假如你是李华,你的朋友Elena写信来告诉你明年她要到重庆参加汉语桥的比赛。向你询问重庆的情况 英语作文


第1个回答  2014-08-17
Dear Elena,
I'm so glad to hear that you will come to Chongqing to participate in Chinese Bridge next year. Here is some information about Chongqing, which I hope, will be of help to you.
Chongqing is situated in the southwest of China. Surrounded by rivers and mountains, Chongqing takes on a delightful look.
Chongqing has a large population of over 31 million, who are famous for their friendliness. Here you can enjoy a wide variety of food, among which hot pot wins its widest recognition.
Chongqing became the fourth central municipality in 1997, and ever since it has been transformed into an economic center in the southwest of China.
I love Chongqing and I hope you will share my feeling and enjoy your stay here.
Yours sincerely
Li Hua本回答被提问者和网友采纳
第2个回答  2011-02-08
世界无法解释的七大奇异景象 1.晚上2点32分点蜡烛的人会看到18世纪巫婆的惨死。 2。指甲涂一层黑,一层白,一层红还完好无损,就会有人向你表白。 3.夜里4点38分削苹果,如果苹果皮断了,96小时莫名其妙死亡。 4.0点照镜子,会照到自己的前世和你怎么死的。 5.夜里穿黑衣不梳头发的女孩没影子 6.将此贴转向5个以上贴坛,就不会被魔鬼缠身,且实现一个愿望。 7.不回帖会遭英国魔鬼.. .. 偶也是被逼的!
第3个回答  2011-02-07
要写什么程度的呐?专业?大学四六级?高中?初中? 好一点呢……还是一般、中等之类的