

第1个回答  2023-08-22


1、In both these respects they feel that their deserts are higher than ours .他们感觉到在这两方面他们的功绩比我们高。

2、Agreements to this end are in the interests of the soviet union as well as ours .在这方面如能达成协议则对苏联和我们都有裨益。

3、No one knows what ancient savage ancestor of ours first began to make use of fire .没有人知道我们的哪个古代原始祖先首先开始使用火。

4、All your telegrams to us and ours to you show that we should have a talk .所有你给我们的电报和我们给你的电报表明,我们应当面谈一下。

5、The truth is that when mistakes occur , they are more likely to be ours than theirs .其实,一旦有误,与其说错在他们,勿宁说错在我们。

6、The oppressed people under capitalism live in a world far other from ours .资本主义制度下的被压迫人民生活在一个和我们截然不同的世界里。

7、These facts mean that the martian day and night have about the same lengths as ours .这些事实说明,火星上的昼夜同我们的昼夜大致一样长。

8、From an attic window , we could get a sweeping view of the river where their land joined ours .从阁楼的窗口,我们可以一览无遗地眺望他们的土地与我们衔接处的河面。

9、We are against the irresponsible attitude of attending aloof from things on the ground that they 're no concern of ours .我们反对事不关己,高高挂起的自由主义态度。

10、We believed that the decision to be involved with matters beyond our shores was entirely ours to make .我们曾经认为,卷入发生在本土之外的事件,完全可以由我们自己来决定。
