

第1个回答  2024-05-30
消除隔阂:remove the misunderstanding
制造隔阂:foment feelings of estrangement
语言隔阂:language barrier;language misunderstanding
There is a misunderstanding between us.
When you have a difference with someone, how do you handle it? Do you pretend nothing happened? Do you brood over it by yourself? Do you sever ties with a friend? Or do you sit down with them and try to resolve the difference amicably? If you choose the last solution, bingo! That's the idiom we're going to learn today: Clear the air. To clear the air means to eliminate the misunderstanding between two people. Whenever I have a spat with a friend, I always opt to clear the air. It's about having an open and honest conversation, and you'll find that most issues can be resolved. Speaking of which, do you ever have emails misconstrued? In the example below, a manager is going to tell us how he would handle it if a subordinate misunderstood an email he sent. Let's listen in:
One of my assistants was quite upset with me over an email I had written her. She felt that I was criticizing her for not doing her job correctly, but my intention was merely to offer some helpful suggestions. I've invited her out for coffee this afternoon. I'd like to clear the air. I'm hoping to explain what I meant so she won't feel upset anymore. [This means: Due to a misunderstood email, an assistant was upset. The manager plans to have a coffee meeting to clear the air and resolve the misunderstanding.]
That's why I'm extra careful when writing emails. A single word can carry different meanings for the writer and the reader. So, I prefer face-to-face conversations over email. We've been talking about clearing the air, but family relationships can be particularly delicate and hard to control. Since we interact so much, we might inadvertently hurt the people we care about. Here's an example:
When mom asked if she could move in with me after dad passed away, I said I needed to think about it. It's not that I don't love her, but I live too far away, and she wouldn't be able to see her friends or enjoy her life as she used to. Fortunately, over dinner last night, we cleared the air. She realized that her happiness is very important to me. [This means: After dad passed away, mom asked if she could live with her daughter. The daughter needed time to think. It wasn't that she didn't love her mom, but living far apart might limit mom's social life. They managed to resolve the misunderstanding over dinner.]
消除一切隔阂:break down all barriers
His early experience enabled him to break down barriers between Scottish Catholics and Protestants.
消除隔阂:thrown off reserve