把下面的句子用英语表示出来 活动目的:提供展示汉语的机会,激发学习汉语的热情,增进对中华文化的了...


第1个回答  2011-04-23
(1)Activity purpose ;provide the opportunity to show Chinese, stimulate study Chinese enthusiasm, improve the understanding of Chinese culture
第2个回答  2011-05-01
1.offer an opportunity to practise chinese2.inspire the passion for learning Chinese3.get further knowledge for chinese culture. Designed for foreign college students not native chinese speakers
第3个回答  2011-04-23
Designed for foreign collage students not speaking Chinese as first language,offering an oppotunity to practise Chinese & stimulate learning interests to gain further understanding of chinese culture
第4个回答  2011-05-05
Purpose:To provide an opportunity to show Chinese and increase the passion to learn and the undestanding of Chinese culture.
Participating object: foreign college students not native chinese speakers本回答被网友采纳