
Trees help human a lot. They bring us oxygen and we get fresh air from trees and get relaxed. And trees have another way——The leaves of trees are green. Green color is the best color for our eyes. So we should not cut down trees and using fewer papers that they make from wood. We also should also grow more trees because trees are our best friends.

第1个回答  2011-02-27
1.Green color is the best color for our eyes. 中的color可以省略,因为green本来就有绿色的意思,再加color显得有点累赘。
2.So we should not cut down trees and using fewer papers that they make from wood.中should后面应该加原形,所以后半部分应该改成use fewer........wood. 后面那个修饰papers的从句也不对,应该把they 删掉
第2个回答  2011-02-27
我改的:Trees help human a lot. They can bring us oxygen. We can get fresh air from trees and get relaxed. What's more, the leaves of trees are green, which is the best color for our eyes. So we should not cun down trees and we should use less paper that are made from wood. We should plant more trees because trees are our best friends.本回答被提问者采纳
第3个回答  2011-02-27
Trees are helpful to human. They provide us with oxygen and fresh air and we feel relaxed breathing in those clean and fresh air. In addition, the leaves of trees are green and green is the colour which is good for our eyesight. Therefore, we should not cut down trees and should also use less papers as they are made from wood. We should aso grow more trees as trees are our best friends.