about ten years ago i taught group of children to sail完型


第1个回答  2012-11-06
About 10 years ago I taught a group of children to sail.They were bright enthusiastic and as eager to __1__ life as any other children. All,however,had a serious __2__. Three were in wheelchairs.One was nearly blind and two walked with difficulty, another two __3__ a lot from and Cerebral palsy (脑瘫).

Matthew was among them.His hands,arms,legs,and even his voice were all distorted (扭曲) from the disease.To speak,Matthew had the help of a __4__ . Slowly,and with determination, he would __5__ with distorted hands,letter by letter,what he wanted to say. Yet he was always bright and cheerful and loved to __6__ everything his classmates were doing,both in the boat and in the classroom.

They learnt fast and enjoyed every minute of the __7__ . But I think that I was the one who learned the greatest lesson. One day the sailing centre was __8__ by a storm.Rather than __9__ the session we decided to work in a classroom. All the children __10__. Just like other children they all wanted to answer the questions I asked. Often they would loudly __11__ each other,trying to get an answer in before one of the others. But when Matthew wanted to answer a question it was __12__. All of a sudden they all __13__. Matthew whispered and gestured at his letter board. They __14__ with great patience. Matthew __15__ with dogged persistence (坚持 ) until the answer was __16__. When Matthew had answered his question the children were,almost magically,transformed back into a group of __17__ and enthusiastic children.

All of these children were heroes in their own way. But the __18__ they afforded to Matthew with his most severe disabilities was __19__. If only the rest of the world were able to learn to afford care,respect and help to someone less __20__than themselves,violence and intolerance would possibly be gone.

[语篇解读] 如果人们都能学会关心、尊重和帮助那些不如他们幸运的人该多好啊。那 么暴力和偏执将不复存在。
1.A.enjoy C.experience B.start D.lead
解析: 他们聪明、有活力,渴望和其他孩子一样享受生活。联系下文“enjoyed every minute”可知用 enjoy“享受”。
答案: A
2.A.shortcoming C.injury B.disability D.habit
解析: 从下两句的内容可知, 这些孩子身体上都有缺陷。 shortcoming 缺点; disability(生 理或精神上的)缺陷;injury 伤害;habit 习惯。
答案: B
3.A.learned C.suffered B.changed D.spent
解析: 另外两个患有脑瘫。suffer from 遭受,符合语意。
答案: C
4.A.letter board C.computer B.tape recorder D.microphone
解析: 联系下文“Matthew whispered and gestured at his letter board.”可知答案。
答案: A
5.A.show off C.give away B.point out D.take in
解析: 尽管很慢, 但很坚定, 他会用他扭曲的手一个字母一个字母地指出他想说的话。 从下文的“gestured at his letter board”可知用 point out。 show off 炫耀; point out 指出; away give 泄露;take in 吸收。
答案: B
6.A.understand C.remember B.criticize D.try
解析: 但是他总是很有活力、快乐,想尝试他的同学们正在做的一切事情,不管是在 船上还是在课堂上。understand 理解;criticize 批评;remember 记住;try 尝试。
答案: D
7.A.days C.treatment B.classes D.life
解析: 从上文“I taught a group of children to sail”以及空处的下一句中的“who learned the greatest lesson”可知,这里是“享受课堂的每一分钟”。
答案: B
8.A.blocked C.occupied B.hit D.flown
解析: 一天帆船中心遭到了风暴的袭击。hit 袭击。
答案: B
9.A.complete C.escape B.check D.cancel
解析: 没有取消上课,我们决定在教室里上课。
答案: D
10.A.ran away C.joined in B.got tired D.fell asleep
解析: 所有的孩子都参加了。就像其他身体健全的孩子一样,他们都想回答我提出的 问题。
答案: C
11.A.fight C.interrupt B.limit D.stop
解析: 时常他们会大声地相互打断彼此,想先于他人给出答案。interrupt 打断,符合 语意。
答案: C
12.A.hopeless C.difficult B.funny D.different
解析: 但是当 Matthew 想回答一个问题时,情形就不同了。根据下文的内容描述可 知选 D 项。hopeless 无望的;funny 可笑的;difficult 难的;different 不同的。
答案: D
13.A.whispered C.quieted B.smiled D.left
解析: 突然,所有的人都安静了下来。whisper 低语;smile 微笑;quiet 安静;leave 离开。
答案: C
14.A.laughed C.continued B.waited D.recorded
解析: Matthew 低语着,用手势指着他的字母板。他们都耐心地等着他。laugh 大笑; wait 等待;continue 继续;record 录制。
答案: B
15.A.struggled C.practiced B.thought D.waved
解析: 根据上文中的“with distorted hands,letter by letter”可知,Matthew 费力且有 毅力地回答着。
答案: A
16.A.cried out C.spelled out B.typed out D.signed out
解析: 直到答案被清楚地拼出来。cry out 大声喊叫;type out 打印出来;spell out 拼 出;sign out 签名登记。
答案: C
17.A.noisy C.diligent B.polite D.clumsy
解析: 联系上文“Often they would loudly”可知,Matthew 回答完问题后,孩子们几乎 魔术般地变回了那群吵闹而有活力的孩子。noisy 吵闹的;polite 有礼貌的;diligent 勤奋的; clumsy 笨拙的。
答案: A
18.A.thank C.pleasure B.praise D.patience 解析: 从上文“They__14__with great patience.”可知,他们对 Matthew 表现出的耐心是 令人鼓舞的。
答案: D
19.A.attractive C.considerate B.angry D.inspiring
解析: attractive 吸引人的;angry 生气的;considerate 体贴的;inspiring 令人鼓舞的。
答案: D
20.A.fortunate C.responsible B.exciting D.careful
解析: 要是世界上的其他人都能学会关心、 尊重和帮助那些不如他们幸运的人该多好 啊,那么暴力和偏执将不复存在。fortunate 幸运的;exciting 令人激动的;responsible 负有 责任的;careful 细心的。
答案: A