

第1个回答  2012-11-03
Japan is East of Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu, Hokkaido of four large islands and more than 3,900 more small Islands archipelago. Pacific Ocean to the East, located in the Pacific Northwest, and West China, the Korean peninsula and Russia across the sea, capital of Tokyo. 1th century ad into the slave society in 7th century, feudal society, middle of 19th century Meiji entered the capitalist society, postwar economic strength rapidly. Japan National concepts of constitutionalism and national sovereignty, respect for basic human rights, pacifism, based on constitutional monarchy of the emperor as a national symbol. Japan's population of more than 120 million population dominated by single Yamato people. Forefront of scientific research and education in the world, the national has a high quality of life, is one of the world's richest, most economically developed countries.
