第二节:写作(满分25分)假设你是李华,你的加拿大朋友Michael 十年前来过你的家乡。现在远方的他写信给

第二节:写作(满分25分)假设你是李华,你的加拿大朋友Michael 十年前来过你的家乡。现在远方的他写信给你想了解你们家乡的变化。请根据以下提示给Michael 回一封电子邮件。 过去 生活条件差,道路狭窄,车辆少,住不好,吃不饱,联系简单、慢。 现在 生活条件优越,道路宽,车辆多,住的舒适,手机普及。 要求:1.围绕以上内容进行合理表述; 2.所表述的内容必须包含表中的所有方面; 3.词数80词左右, 开头语已给出(不计入词数)。 Dear Michael, You want to learn the changes about my hometown.You know, great changes have taken place since 60 years ago. In the past, ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Sincerely Yours,Li Hua

第1个回答  2014-11-29

Dear Michael,
You want to know the changes about my hometown.You know, great changes have taken placed since 60 years ago.
In the past, the living conditions were very poor.There were not many buses or cars, and the roads were narrow.Usually, a big family was crowded into a small, dark house.Most families couldn’t get enough food.The communications were simple and slow.People kept in touch with others far away mainly by letter or telegram.
Thanks to the government, our hometown has developed rapidly in recently years.The living conditions are much better and more comfortable.The roads are wide.Some people have their own cars.Most of the people have lived in big new houses.Quite a few adults have mobile phones.Because of many good policies, I think our lives will become better and better.
Sincerely Yours,
Li Hua
