
1. 请用指针和数组分别实现自己的My_strlen和My_strcpy函数,要求My_strlen和My_strcpy函数其界面与功能与C标准库函数strcpy和strlen相同。
2. Define a table of the names of months of the year and the number of days in each month . write out that table. Do this twice; once using an array of structures, with each structure holding the name of a month and the number of days in it.
3. Read a sequence of words from input. Use quit as a word that terminates the input. Print the words in the order they were entered. Don’t print a word twice. Modify the program to sort the words before printing them.
4. Write a function that counts the number of occurrences of a pair of letters in a string and another that does the same in a zero-terminated array of char (a C-style string). For example, the pair “ab” appears twice in “xabaacbaxabb”.
5. Define a struct Date to keep track of dates. Provide functions that read Dates from input, write Dates to output, and initialize a Date with a date.

第1个回答  2008-03-30