求帮助把下列英语句子的主谓宾定状补标出来 急急急急急

when I asked her opinion of marrying a rich man whom one didn't love, the response she gave me was so different from her normal behavior that it shocked me当我问她嫁给一个富有的人,其中一人不爱看来,她给我的反应是如此,从她的正常行为不同,它令我震惊
when arguing over who would win first place, David never supported one side against the other争论时,谁会赢得第一名,大卫从未支持对其他的一方
the escaped prisoner dared not even telephone anyone;he knew that it would only take one phone call to give away his identity这名逃跑的囚犯甚至不敢电话任何人;他知道这样做只会一个电话就把他的身份揭穿
this report says nothing new about the accident;what it contains is almost the same as the previous one这份报告说,没有什么新的事故,它所包含的是与前一个几乎相同

Grandpa gets very emotional whenever he talks about the war in which he fought many years ago爷爷变得非常情绪化,每当他谈论他战斗许多岁月前的战争
she's really good at imitating our teacher's southern accent她真的好模仿老师的南方口音
higher cigarette prices do not seem to discourage people from smoking较高的卷烟价格似乎劝阻不了吸烟的人

第1个回答  2012-05-15
when I asked her opinion of marrying a rich man whom one didn't love, the response she gave me was so different from her normal behavior that it shocked me当我问她嫁给一个富有的人,其中一人不爱看来,她给我的反应是如此,从她的正常行为不同,它令我震惊
when arguing over who would win first place, David never supported one side against the other争论时,谁会赢得第一名,大卫从未支持对其他的一方
the escaped prisoner dared not even telephone anyone;he knew that it would only take one phone call to give away his identity这名逃跑的囚犯甚至不敢电话任何人;他知道这样做只会一个电话就把他的身份揭穿
this report says nothing new about the accident;what it contains is almost the same as the previous one这份报告说,没有什么新的事故,它所包含的是与前一个几乎相同

Grandpa gets very emotional whenever he talks about the war in which he fought many years ago爷爷变得非常情绪化,每当他谈论他战斗许多岁月前的战争
she's really good at imitating our teacher's southern accent她真的好模仿老师的南方口音
higher cigarette prices do not seem to discourage people from smoking较高的卷烟价格似乎劝阻不了吸烟的人
第2个回答  2012-05-23
1、【when I asked her opinion of marrying a rich man (whom one didn't love “a rich man"的定语) 整个句子的状语】,【the response主语】【 she gave me主语的定语】【 was谓语】【 so different from her normal behavior (that it shocked me “behavior"的定语从句).宾语】
2、【when arguing over who would win first place状语 省略主语David】,【David 主语】never 【supported 谓语】【one side宾语】【 against the other补语】
3、【the escaped prisoner dared not even telephone anyone 状语 因为,两个句子在没有连接词的情况下不能同时存在于同一句子中,因此状语中没有谓语 "was“,本身就是 be dared not】【he主语】【 knew 谓语】【that it would only take one phone call to give away his identity.宾语句子】
4、【this report主语】【 says 谓语】【宾语nothing 】【new about the accident 宾补】,【what it contains is almost the same as the previous one主语补足语】
5、【grandpa 主语】【gets 谓语】【very emotional宾语】【 whenever he talks about the war in which he fought many yeas ago状语】
6、【she's主语 谓语】 really 【good宾语】【at imitating our teacher's southern accent宾补 be good at】
7、【higher cigarette prices主语】【 do not seem to谓语】【 discourage people from smoking 宾语】