
题目 我的星期五
内容:今天是星期五我有一节数学课。数学老师布置了许多家庭作业,我很累。回到家看到妹妹穿着新短裙她很开心,她对我说:哥哥墙上的照片掉下来了 所以我拿梯子和锤子钉上去 一不小心锤到了我的手指 我的手指受伤了 妹妹打电话给爸爸 爸爸是司机 爸爸帮我送到医院 这就是我的星期五、

第1个回答  2012-07-30
My Friday
Today is Friday,I have a maths class.The maths teacher set us a lot lof homework,I felt tired.I saw my sister wearing a new skirt when I got home.She was very happy,she said to me:"Brother,the picture on the wall had fallen ."So I carried a ladder and a hammer to hang it up,I hammered my finger by careless,my finger was hurt,Sister called Dad ,Dad is a driver,he sent me to the hospital.This is my Friday.本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2012-07-30
My Friday
today is Friday. I have a math lesson. Mathematical teacher assigned a lot of homework, I am very tired. Return the home to see the sister is wearing a new skirt she is happy, she said to me: elder brother the photograph on the wall down so I get a ladder and the hammer nail up accidentally hit my finger I hurt my finger sister call Daddy is the driver father help me to the hospital this is my Friday.本回答被提问者采纳