
这么说行吗?求改正。谢谢i just texted him telling that "it would rain cats and dogs tonight and don't forget to have the umbrella with you".

第1个回答  2012-07-21
I just sent him a messege and told him that there's gonna have a heavy rain tonight and reminded him to bring his umbrella.

(1)rain cats and dogs这平常英美人士不常用,或者说几乎不用
(2)reminded him not to forget bringing an umbrella:要再加forget也行(就是多了几字),但应用to bring
(3)在Urban Dictionary有写: Instead of saying "I just text messaged her." You would say- "I just texted her."



第2个回答  2012-07-21
There will be heavy rain tonight, don't forget to take an umbrella.
第3个回答  2012-07-21
I just texted to inform him with the incoming downpour and reminded him of an umbrella.
发短信地道的表达 用text本回答被提问者和网友采纳
第4个回答  2012-07-21
If it is 短信, SMS (short messaging service) used in mobile phone, better make it short
so send this way:
Heavy rain tonight, do bring the umbrella
第5个回答  2012-07-21
I just texted to inform him with the incoming downpour and reminded him of an umbrella.