
It is universally acknowledge that economy is traditional virtue , the truth of it is self-evident , while most of people have formd unrealistic picture of economy , they disregard the importance of it without being conscious that thay are doing anything immoral .
Nowadays , economy is playing an unprecedental part in our daily life and exerting great influence on our next generation , though our economic level , to some extent , have been improved greatly , yet our achievement is at the cost of overdue of consumption of material resources , besides , an increasing mass of people come to realize the influence of economy since there are limited rescouses can be exploited . which has become a sort of threat to the survival of our human .
Considering all the above-mentioned , in my conception , lt is long-time tradition in chinnese culture that we should attach great importance to economy , and never have we enjoyed so much prosperity with so little worries , and it is high time we did something helpful and constructive for our next generation.

第1个回答  2012-06-06
It is universally acknowledge (改为acknowledged )that economy is traditional virtue , the truth of it ( 改为which )is self-evident , while most of people have formd unrealistic picture of economy , they disregard the importance of it without being conscious that thay are doing anything immoral .
Nowadays , economy is playing an unprecedental part in our daily life and exerting great influence on our next generation , though our economic level , to some extent , have( 改为has) been improved greatly , yet our achievement is at the cost of overdue of consumption of material resources , besides , an increasing mass of people come to realize the influence of economy since there are limited rescouses (加上that/which)can be exploited . which has become a sort of threat to the survival of our human .
Considering all the above-mentioned , in my conception , lt is long-time tradition in chinnese culture that we should attach great importance to economy , and never have we enjoyed so much prosperity with so little worries , and it is high time we did something helpful and constructive for our next generation.本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2012-06-05



第一句话:It is universally acknowledge (改为acknowledged )that economy is traditional virtue , the truth of it ( 改为which )is self-evident , while most of people have formd unrealistic picture of economy , they disregard the importance of it without being conscious that thay are doing anything immoral .人家都说了两个了。我补三个:self-evident后面的逗号改为句号。formd改为formed。thay改为they。这第一句话就有五个错误,向别人请教没你那样的。让我告诉你,你的作文最大的问题不是语法的问题,而是对英语的感悟的问题。可以说,你写的文章,根本就不是英语。




第二句话:Nowadays , economy is playing an unprecedental (改为unprecedented) part in our daily life and exerting great influence on our next generation ,(改为句号) though(大写) our economic level(复数) , to some extent , have been improved greatly , yet our achievement is at the cost of overdue(overdue一般不做名词) of consumption of material resources ,(改为句号) besides , an increasing mass of people come to realize the influence of economy since there are limited rescouses (加一个that)can be exploited . 这句话的最大问题是,你根本不知道英语的句子哪里应该是句号,哪里应该是逗号,粘连句很问题很多。自己看看这句话有没有错!

第三句: which has become a sort of threat to the survival of our human .这句话本来就错了,定语从句是不能单独成句的。另外,our human说法不正确。这句话有错吧?

最后一句:Considering all the above-mentioned(悬垂结构。这里用considering,后面应该用I来做主语) , in my conception (没有这种说法), lt is (a) long-time tradition in chinnese culture that we should attach great importance to economy(你这句话说,中国文化的传统式很看重经济,这句话很空洞) , and never have we enjoyed(这里不能用倒装) so much prosperity with so little worries(little只能形容不可数名词) , and it is high time we did something helpful and constructive for our next generation.你的文章最大的问题是空洞,没有细节,通篇都是空话。句式过于复杂导致错误频频,现在你明白了吗?

现在再来说,我说的每句话都有错,过分了吗?孩子,记住,虚心接受建议,甚至批评,才是能成功的唯一之道。As to writing English compositions, I think the most important thing is that you read a lot of books and check your dictionary frequently when you write.




