

第1个回答  2022-09-29

The Mid-Autumn Festival, also known as the Moon Festival, Autumn Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, August Festival, August Festival, Moon Chasing Festival, Moon Play Festival, Moon Worship Festival, Daughter's Day or Reunion Festival, is a traditional cultural festival popular among many ethnic groups and countries in the Chinese character culture circle.



1. Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! If there's anything to celebrate, it's a reunion; If there's anything to be thankful for, it's peace.

2. The grandeur of the National Day, the excitement of Duanyang, the romance of the Mid-Autumn Festival, my warm text message, send greetings through time and space: It's cold, remember to add clothes?

3. The Mid-Autumn Festival arrives and auspicious shines. The fragrance of golden cinnamon and the bright moon are bright. Spend a good full moon, a beautiful reunion. Autumn colors are pleasant, good luck and good luck hood. A text message, please put it away. Happy Holidays and Step by Step!

4. May greetings be moonlight, soft and soft into your dreams; May care be a maple leaf, gently wafting out the fragrance of happiness; May the blessings be a stream that flows quietly through your heart. Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

5. Golden breeze, clouds fluttering, mooncake fragrance, pinqiong pulp, moon color appreciation, autumn moon lang, cup collision, full of emotion, festive season, reunion smooth, blessings, happiness. Happy Mid-Autumn Festival.


1. 中秋快乐!如果有什么值得庆祝的话,那一定是团圆;如果有什么值得庆幸的话,那就是平安。

2. 国庆的隆重,端阳的游兴,中秋的浪漫,有我温馨的短信,穿越时空送来问候:天冷了,记得添衣了吗?

3. 中秋节到,吉祥照耀。金桂飘香,明月皎皎。花好月圆,团圆美好。秋色怡人,好运福罩。短信一条,请君收好。佳节快乐,步步登高!

4. 愿问候是月光,柔柔照进你梦乡;愿关怀是枫叶,轻轻飘散出快乐芬芳;愿祝福是小溪,悄悄流淌你心上。中秋快乐!

5. 金风爽,云飘扬,月饼香,品琼浆,月色赏,秋月朗,杯盏撞,情满腔,佳节旺,团圆畅,祝福淌,幸福扬。中秋快乐。
