

第1个回答  2024-07-27
Parents love their children with all their hearts, and Chinese parents are no exception. Due to the one-child policy, parents tend to pamper their children, giving them whatever they desire. They would go to great lengths to fulfill their child's wishes, and sometimes this results in overindulgence. Children who are spoiled often become overly dependent on their parents and may struggle when faced with challenges in life.
In modern China, most families have only one child, who receives an increasing amount of attention and love from their parents. Due to work commitments, parents often have limited time to spend with their child, leading them to agree to most of their demands as a way to compensate for the lack of attention. However, saying "yes" to everything is not actually in the child's best interest.
Parents spoiling their children is a common sight nowadays. They love their children in the way they believe is the best. When it comes to spoiling children, opinions vary. Some people argue that it is acceptable to spoil children as long as parents provide for them to the best of their abilities. On the other hand, there are those who believe that parents should educate their children rationally. In my view, I agree with the latter.
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