

第1个回答  2015-10-07
一、1—5 BCCAB 6—10 BCACC
11—15 BA A A A
二、16-20 DBACD 21-25 ABBAC
三、26-30 CABAC 31-35 FTFFT
36 orange 37 Lucy 38 A green pen 39 Yes, it is 40 It’7890003
四、1-5、FEJAD 6-10 ICBHG
五、1 I’m 2 aren’t 3 My name’s
7 telephone/call 8 to/too 4 that 5 no 6 boy
9 they are 10 you
六、1 English 2 his 3 dictionary 七、1. me, 2 pen 3. you 4.an 5.color
八、1. What color is, white
2. What’s, a computer game
用心 爱心 专心 6 s
3 the key, lost, found
4 Please call, at, morning
5 is, cousin, these grandparents 九、1 What’s 2 What color 3 Is this 4 No, it isn’t 5 What is本回答被网友采纳