八年级上册 英语期中考试卷 人教版

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第1个回答  2008-11-06
第2个回答  2008-11-05

1.What about ______after class?

A play football B play the football C playing football

2.Look at these new words .Please__________.

A write it down B write them down C write down them

3.Do you enjoy _______English ?

A saying B talking C speaking

4.-----What should I do ? ------______a deep breath and smile.

A Have B Take C make

5.Try _____to translate every word.

A not B don’t C doesn’t

6.Can you give me some _______?

A advice B advices C advise

7.----Where’s your homework?-----Oh,I ______ it at home .

A forget B remember C left

8.It’s important______ her to learn a foreign language.

A for B to C with

9.I spend 5 minutes______ to school on foot.

A go B going C to go

10.There are two new cars.One is mine,and _______ is the manager’s.

A.other B.another C.the other

11.She’s ________ America many times.

A.gone to B.been C.been to

12.They learn English _________ the radio every day.

A.by B.at C.on

13.I’ve ____ him but I don’t know him.

A.heard about B.heard C.hear

14.There ____ life on Earth for many years.

A.is B.has been C.have been

15.---Where is Li Lei? --- He ______ the librart.

A.has been to B.has gone to C.have gone to

16.Since 1998 Project Hope ________ schools all over the world.

A.built B.has built C.have built

17.You never go to the movies ,___________?

A.don’t you B.do you C.doesn’t you

18.There are ______ people in our town.

A.thousand B.two thousands C.thousands of

19.Vinna is an old city _________ the River Danube.

A.in B.on C.at

20.Not only your parents but also my father_________ become a teacher.

A.are B.have C.has

21.Xian Xinhai is famous_________ the song The Yelow River.

A.as B.for C.to

22.When the teacher came in,the students_________ about the film.

A.are talking B.were talking C.talked

23.Look!There is a monkey ________ the tree.

A.in B.on C.into

24.Mr Smith teaches ________ English.

A.our B.us C.we

25.__________ is a good idea to read English every day.

A.It B.That C.This

26.Smiling always__________ .

A.help B.helping C.helps

27.Sally has invited me ______ with her in England one day.

A. stay B.to stay C.staying

28.________ of them got the right answer.

A.No one B. Nobody C.None

29.I can speak _________ English.

A.a little B. many C.nothing

30---.____________ have you studied English?

----Since 2001.

A.How often B.How much C.How long


Mike was a little boy.One day he went with his father to a small town to ___1__ his grandparents.

___2__the train,Mike put his head out of the window every minutes.His farther said“Mike,be _3____ !Don’t put your head out of the window!”But Mike didn’t hear his father and went on putting his head out of the window.His father could do _____4___.

Then Mike’s father wanted to play a joke on his son.He took Mike’s cap quickly,hid it __5__ his back and said“You see,your cap has __6_ away.”Mike touched his head and it was really gone.The boy looked _7_ and then began to cry.He wanted to get his cap back.

“Don’t worry,son.”said his father.“I have a strang饿 way to get your cap back.”

“__8__ can you get it back?”Asked Mike in surprise.

His father said,“Close your eyes and whistle(吹口哨) once,and maybe your cap will come back.” Mike came up to the window ,close his eyes and whistled.Just at that moment ,his father quickly put the cap on his son’s head.

“Oh!It was __9__ !”Mike laughed(笑).He was pleased ,then he quickly took his father’s cap and _10__ it out of the window.“Now it is your turn to whistle ,Dad!”He said happily.

1.A look B see C. watch

2.A At B To C. In

3.A careful B carefuly C careless

4.A nothing B anything C any

5.A before B behind C after

6.A thrown B sent C flown

7.A worried B glad C happy

8.A Why B How C What

9.A wonderful B bad C lovely

10.A.throw B brought C got



Have you ever been ill?When you are ill,you must be unhappy because your body becomes hot,and there are pains(疼痛) all over you body.You don’t want to work,and you stay in bed,felling very sad.

What makes us ill?it is germs.Germs are everywhere.They are very small and you can’t find them with your eyes,but you can see them wih a microscope(显微镜).They are very very small and there could be hundreds of them on a very small thing.Germs are always found in dirty(脏的) water. When we look at dirty water under the microscope,we shall see them in it. So your father and mother will not let you drink dirty water,

Germs aren’t found only in water.They are found in air and dust(灰尘).If you cut your finger,if some of the dust from the floor goes into the cut,some of the germs would go into your fnger.Your finger would become big and red,and you will have much pain in it.Sometimes the germs would go into all of your body ,and you wuld have pain everywhere.

1.Which of the following is true?

A.If things are very very small,they are germs.

B.If things can’t be seen,they must be germs.

C.Germs are everywhere around us.

2.What is a microscope used for?

A.Making very very samll thing look much bigger.

B.Making very big thing look much smaller.

C.Helping you if you can’t things clearly.

3.Why don’t your parents let you drink dirty water?

A.You haven’t looked at carefully.

B.Water can’t be drunk in this way.

C.There must be a lot of germs in it.

4Which of the following is not true?

A.Germs can be found both in water and in the air.

B.Germs can go into your finger if it is cut.

C.If your finger isn’t cut,there aren’t any germs on it.

5.What’s the main idea of the passage?

A.Germs may make us ill.

B.Germs are in dirty water.

C.Don’t drink dirty water.


One day Tom and Bill went out for a walk.On the road they saw a lot of people and went up and had a look. Oh dear!There was a cow in the middle if the road. It would not move.The cars and buses could not get pass.Then a policeman came.”Whose cow is this?”,he asked,”It’s mine”.said a famer.” But I can’t move it.” The policeman and the famer did their best to move the cow,but it would not move.Tom and Bill laughed,but the drivers of cars and buses were worried.”We can’t move the cow,” the famer and the policeman said.”What shall we do?”

“Give him a cabbage”.Tom said. “That’s a good idea!” said the famer. Soon he found a cabbage and showed it to the cow.When the cow saw the cabbage,it walked after the famer at once. All tge cars abd buses could get past at last.

6.One day Tom and Bill were___________.

A.on their way to school

B.on their way to school

C.not busy with any work

7.What did Tom and Bill do when they saw a lot of people on the road?

A.They went away.

B.They went up to see what happened.

C.They asked the people for imformation.

8.Who gave a good idea?

A.Tom and Billl B.Tom C. Bill

9.Why didn’t the cow move itself at first?

A.Because so many people watching it.

B.Because it was hungry.

C.Because there were too many cars and buses there.

10.Why did a policeman come?

A.Because someone was killed on the way.

B.Because a car and a bus hit each other.

C.Because the buses and cars couldn’t get past.


1. How can I improve my ________(listen)?

2. I have always ________(want )to travel around the world .

3. She __________(be) a student for six years .

4. Project Hope ________(raise )money since 1989.

5. She ‘s never _______(speak)to a foreigner.

6. She ___________(lie )in bed when I came in.

7. What are you thinking of _____(do)?

8. It ‘s important for him ______ (work) on their farm.

9. Alice had nothing_________ (do).

10. She saw it __________ (go) down a large rabbit hole.


1. You should learn from Wei Fang.(改为否定句)

You ______ _______from Wei Fang.

2. Why don’t you write it down?(改为同义句)

_________ __________ write it down?

3. She can help me do my homework. (改为同义句)

She can __________ me ________ my homework.

4. We have ever wanted to visit the USA.(改为一般疑问句)

________ you wanted to visit the USA_________ ?

5.The boy was listening to the teacher.(对划线部分提问)

_________ was the boy _______?


1.There has been life on earth for million of years.

A B C ( ) ____

2.No one of them has an environment with air.

A B C ( ) ____

3.The teacher is geting on well with us.

A B C ( ) ____

4.Because Project Hope ,thousands of children have better lives.

A B C ( ) ____

5.A white rabbit and pink eyes ran after by her.

A B C ( ) ____


请根据表格内容,就Gina,Tony和 Junie提出一些建议,用英语写一篇50词左右的短文。


go to bed early
watch too much TV

too worried about the exams
listen to some music
study late

do some exercise
eat too much meat本回答被网友采纳
第3个回答  2008-10-26