

第1个回答  2023-02-08
就短对话部分而言,这次考试总体难度比往年也略有增加,主要体现在其句长和用词两个方面。整个10段对话中几乎没有一个人的话是少于10个单词的。而且也出现了一些很少在听力中出现的难词,诸如:第5题的swing, 第9题的question作动词,第9题的terrorist,第9题的incredible,第10题的recruit, 第10题的resume等等。但就总体技巧而言,除了这些难词的障碍,也的确从未走出以往考试技巧的圈子,所以说它色厉内荏实不为过,但正是这个“色厉”却很有可能吓倒了无数的考生,从而连透过现象“听”本质的能力都丧失了,因此下文就这次考试的10题进行一个简单分析,希望能起到为众多考生拨云见日、指点迷津。

1. W: Carol told us on the phone not to worry about her. Her left leg doesn’t hurt as much as it did yesterday.

  M: She’d better have it examined by a doctor anyway. And I’ll call her about it this evening.

  Q: What does the man think Carol should do?

  本题从女人话中的left leg以及hurt可以明显知道这是我们常考的医疗健康场景,而在男人的回应中明显出现了She’d better一词,作为建议句型的提示信息出现,标明答案所在。以往考试中也反复考察,笔者在对2005年6月考试中也对此作了详细分析(《由2005年6月大学英语四级听力考题看听力考试发展趋势与变化》),这里不再赘述。本题答案:See a doctor。

  2. M: There’s a non-stop train for Washington, and it leaves at 2:30.

  W: It’s faster than the 2:00 train. Besides, we can have something to eat before getting on the train.

  Q: What do we learn from the conversation?

  本题通过男人话中的train可知为交通场景。而火车在以往考试中的负面特色往往为:误点、慢、伙食差等几个方面。本题对两列火车作出比较,通过女人口中的faster和have something to eat before getting on即可简单知道2:30分的车较之2:00的车,解决了慢以及伙食差两大问题,所以本题答案自然是:The woman prefers the 2:30 train.

  3. M: Hi, Melissa, how’s your project going? Have you thought about going to graduate school? Perhaps you can get into Harvard.

  W: Everything is coming along really well. I’ve been thinking about graduate school. But I’ll talk to my tutor Dr. Gauthier first and see what she thinks.

  Q: What do we learn about the woman from the conversation?

  本题通过男人的project一词即可推断为学习场景。而在男人对女人反复发问后女人的回答自然重要,而女人回答中的but一词,无数次证明了答案之所在,可谓“重要中之尤其重要者”。如果能在平时加强对but这类小词的听力敏感度,可谓百试不爽。所以本题答案为She’ll consult Dr. Garcia about entering graduate school.

  值得一提的是,本题答案中那个consult其实也是个词组词汇的考点,因此对不认识该单词的同学来说,也是一大困惑。就本题答案本身而言,用排除法还是不难的。但另一个选项中也考察了一个词组词汇,而且考的还是一词多意,那就是选项中的She has been longing to attend Harvard University.其中的long表示渴望的意思。

  4. W: Did you attend Alice’s presentation last night? It’s the first time for her to give a speech to a large audience.

  M: How she could be so calm in front of so many people is really beyond me.

  Q: What do we learn from the conversation?

  本题也能同过presentation一词推断为学习场景,从而加快对对话的理解。而本题考察的事实上是反问句式,虽然形式上来说这只是个带主语从句的陈述句,但究其根本会发现,男人的表达就是一个反问式的感叹:How could she be so calm in front of so many people?他在那么多人面前怎么会这么镇定?!而就本题答案而言,也完全符合以往考题中的男生紧张女生从容的特点,使其规律化也变得明朗起来。 本题答案为:Alice didn’t seem to be nervous during her speech.

  5. W: You’ve been doing weather reports for nearly thirty years. How’s the weather got anywhere in all those years?

  M: well, not necessarily worse, but we’re seeing more swings.

  Q: What does the man say about the weather?

  本题通过weather reports推测为天气场景,之后紧跟一特殊疑问句,而特殊疑问的内容一般可以通过回答推测,而且也缺乏重点,因此一般都可以忽略(除其中的场景词以外)。本题也同样适用这一技巧。而男人回答中的but无疑又给“疑无路”的考生指明了那“柳暗花明”的“又一村”。但之后就体现了这次考试的一个很大特点,就是听力原文中的难词:本题中的swing并没太多和天气有关的内容,所以通过其本意和上下文可知,其意思为摇摆不定、大起大落的意思。而答案中只有more extremes一词与此对应。但通过上下文也能推测该答案。男人前句说到不见得真的变差了,后文又用but转折,说明还是有不好的地方,因此容易排除选项中的:It’s worse than 30 years ago. 和It remains almost the same as before. 把答案限定到剩下两个,而其中温度上升的选项从未提及,所以通过排除也可以得到正确答案。本题答案为:There are more extremes in the weather