

第1个回答  2019-06-18
A: Guys, summer holiday is coming, I want to go out for fun. Do you have any plan?
B: I intend to stay at the bedroom alone, playing computer, reading books, and of course the most important thing is to sleep.
C: That sounds boring.
B: No plan now, how about you?
D: Why not we four go out together?
ABC: Great!
A: Uh, Shall we go to Lijiang City? I had heard that it is very beautiful.
BCD: It’s a good idea. We can go sightseeing, visit some interesting places, and so on.
A: OK. Let’s plan for it. We can go to there by train.
B. Excuse me, please tell me how to get to the railway station from my house?
C. You can download a map app to get that.
D. Yes, Right. I have Gaode in my phone. I can tell you how to go there.
C: Then we discuss a thing, When it comes to difficulties, who will help us?
A. It is sure we help each other first if in trouble. But if we four didn’t know how to deal with, I think we could ask help for others.
BD, yes, we can help each other.
B, Oh, I remember I have a uncle in Lijiang . He is one of my father’s friend . I think he can help us if we need.
Finally, They meet at subway station together and go to Lijiang city by train. It is absolutely to have a nice holiday.本回答被网友采纳