

第1个回答  2022-07-15
一,晚上也不知道为什么就是突然间眼泪就掉下来了然后那种哭得喘不上气甚至要自己的手背 那种感觉真的特别的难受可我就感觉不到疼.

At night, I don't know why the tears suddenly fell down, and then the kind of crying can't breathe or even the feeling of the back of my hand is really uncomfortable, but I can't feel the pain.

二,我喜欢那种无聊就带我去玩的 那种两个人走路的时候喜欢挽着手臂的 我还喜欢心情好的时候 去超大的地方去吹风. 心情不好的时候就想有一个陪着我带我去一个安静的地方听我说我的不开心 真正了解我的人真的没几个.

I like the kind that takes me to play when I am bored, the kind that two people like to hold arms when walking, and the kind that takes me to go to large places to blow air when in a good mood. When in a bad mood, I want to have someone to accompany me to a quiet place to listen to me and say that I am unhappy. There are really few people who really know me.

三,后来我才明白 很多事说再多都没有用了 就像你拿着一杯热水虽然很渴 但是很烫还是会放下.

Later, I realized that it was useless to say many things, just like when you hold a cup of hot water, you will put it down even though you are thirsty.

四,其实我不像照片里长得那么好看 我的头发经常会乱我起床的样子很丑 我吃东西特别多 体重也会上升 心里有时候会很毒冲动偶尔记仇遇到不想做的事情我也不会说明太多也没有耐心.

In fact, I don't look as good as in the photo. My hair often messes with me. It looks ugly when I get up. I eat a lot of food and my weight will rise. Sometimes my heart will be very poisonous and impulsive. Occasionally, I hate things that I don't want to do. Will not explain too much.

五,我根本不知道我将来想要过什么样的生活 去哪个城市做什么工作 我只是知道我自己不想要什么我不想要那种循规蹈矩安安分分平平淡淡的日子 不想要一个一眼就可以看到死的生活.

I have no idea what kind of life I want to live in the future, what city to go to, what job to do, I just know what I don't want, I don't want the kind of life that follows the rules and the peace and quiet, I don't want a life that can see death at a glance.

六,人的一生会碰见很多心动的人 可能会误以为那是喜欢其实也只不过是某一刻的好感毕竟心动都不是答案心定才是. 我脾气不怎么好容易冲动我这个人就是这样我很笨反应很慢 我不是什么天才 打什么 游戏 都很烂 我就是不精通 我就是不聪明我会在伤心的时候听伤感的歌我就是这样我做不到任何人喜欢自己.

People will meet a lot of heart-warming people in their lives. They may mistakenly think that it is like it. In fact, it is just a good feeling at a certain moment. After all, the heart is not the answer. My temper is not very good. It is easy to be impulsive. I am like this. I am stupid.

七,洗澡要放歌上厕所要带手机 睡觉要侧面坐车要靠窗走路玩手机 习惯性熬夜经常抽烟生病不喜欢吃药 脾气不是很好爱耍性子 我就是这样一个人做不到人人都喜欢.

Bathing to sing to the toilet to bring a mobile phone to sleep to the side of the car to walk by the window to play mobile phone habitual staying up late often smoking sick do not like to take medicine temper is not very good love to play temper I am such a person can not do everyone like.

八,是什么能让一个女孩子突然长大突然温柔 原来有一天向日葵也会主动放弃太阳 没有谁会一直陪在谁身边所以我觉得谁离开都是应该的.

What can make a girl suddenly grow up and suddenly gentle? It turns out that one day the sunflower will take the initiative to give up the sun. No one will always be with whom, so I think anyone who leaves should be.

九,如果我会跟你说一些关于我过去的事 不仅仅是因为我想要你为我感到难过安慰我或者说怎样走出来让我清醒 我说那些只是想让你能理解为什么我,是这样的我.

If I were to tell you something about my past, not just because I want you to feel sorry for me, comfort me, or how to come out and wake me up, I would say that just so you can understand why I'm, here's the thing.

十,人总是理所当然理解我对他们的好 有一天我厌倦了只有付出没有回报不想再对他们好了他们却说我变了.

People always take it for granted that I am good to them. One day I am tired of giving nothing in return and don't want to be good to them anymore. They say that I have changed.

十一,不懂为什么会突然暴躁 突然难过突然发现自己一团糟 人的手就这么大握不住的东西太多了.

I don't know why I'm suddenly cranky and sad and suddenly I find myself in a mess and there's so many things I can't hold.
