
  1、A: _______ is the boy in blue?    B:He‘s Mike.
  2、A: _______ wallet is it?       B:It’s mine.
  3、A: _______ is the diary?       B:It‘s under the chair.
  4、A: _______ is the Chirstmas Day?   B: It’s on the 25th of December.
  5、A: _______ are the earphones?    B:They are 25 yuan.
  6、A: _______ is the hairdryer?     B:It‘s blue.
  7、A: _______ is it today?       B:It’s Sunday.
  8、A: _______ was it yesterday?     B: It was the 13th of October.
  9、A: _______ this red one?      B:It‘s beautiful.
  10、A: _______ is it from here?     B:It’s about two kilometre away

第1个回答  2013-05-08
1 Who 2 What 3 Where 4 空 5 How much 6 What clour 7 What 8 空 9 What about 10 Who