fly away是什么意思英语


第1个回答  2023-03-31

fly away的意思是飞走了; 飞掉; 飞远了。

    例句:The additional cracks that were added are meant to suggest that the tower is just about to crumble into a bit pile of bricks and dust, same goes for the birds who fly away to the warmer side. 

    给塔添加上去的裂纹是为了暗示:塔即将开始崩溃成小块的砖和尘埃。 同样的方法绘制了飞翔在塔暖一边的鸟。


      过去分词:flown away 现在分词:flying away 过去式:flew away

      第三人称单数:flys away
