

第1个回答  2013-07-20
Today, my uncle took me and my brother to exploration.
This is my first time to go to the cave exploration, and listen to the uncle said, the cave is another world, I will be very excited. My brother and I took oranges and bananas, so as not to lose nothing to eat.Uncle take flashlight, we hit the road.
Into the cave, I looked, thought may at any time from the landslidedanger stone up to the mouth of the cave, or below the cliff, he was very nervous. Have a look carefully, find some stones is sliding down the hill, I was more nervous. But since it has been arrived, also cannotgo back, I reluctantly followed his uncle to climb, not easy to climb into the hole.
Standing at the mouth of the cave, my brother and me curiouslylooked into the house, uncle told us, there may be a wolf! I tried tofrighten us, uncle, but still very fear into the hole. Go for a while, we see far ahead, there is a small white spot, the uncle said that another outlet hole. The three of us to move forward, but at the moment, but could not see anything, then open the light on the road. Go for a while, he couldn't walk, because we have bad luck, in front of aswamp, we can only return.
In a hole on the road, a furry touch me past, is the rabbit? Is the cat?Or a dog? Is not the wolf! Thought of here, I will break up,unexpectedly fell, afraid to miss the uncle, I quickly got up, walked for about ten minutes, finally out of the hole.
The expedition is not successful, but practiced my guts, next week, I'm going to exploration.

1) Create new good habits, kill bad habits:
Changing your environment is the easiest and most powerful way to change your behavior. Altering the things in your home and your office and carefully picking the people you spend time with will bring you greater and more effortless results than anything else.
2) Review your goals:
Doing this can improve your life. Goal setting is one of the four techniques the military used to increase Navy SEAL passing rates. Studies have also shown it makes you happier. Initially, the research says, aim high.
3) Network:
Networking is vital to staying employed, salary growth and job satisfaction. Employees with larger networks perform better. You're likely to find out about your next job through people you know but aren't very close to so expanding your pool of "weak ties" increases opportunities. Reconnecting with old friends on Facebook and Linked In is a good first step.
从求职加薪、工作满意度等方面而言,社交交际都是至关重要的。有良好社交关系的员工工作得更出色。你也可以从你的朋友那里找到你下一份工作的好机会。不过如果你的交友面窄的话,那么你就失去了很多机会了。去Facebook和Linked In等社交网络上面找找你的老朋友吧,这是扩展交际的好方法。
4) Think of death:
Sound morbid? You couldn't be more wrong. 9 minutes in to his famous Stanford commencement speech Steve Jobs discusses the importance he placed on thinking about death during his life:
"Remembering that I'll be dead soon is the most important tool I've ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life."
Scientists now agree with him.
5) Write:
Writing has been shown to help people: Feel happier. Lose weight. Get over a break-up. Improve memory and increase learning. Get a job. Speed healing. Strengthen relationships. Follow through with their goals. Get over the past. Reduce worrying and increase performance.
6) Volunteer:
Volunteering has been shown time and time again to increase happiness. So the best way to be selfish might be to be selfless. You'll probably inspire others to do good too. Don't have time for this? Wrong. Giving your time to others makes you feel less time-constrained.
7) De-stress:
There are many easy ways to do this. Talk to yourself. Watch comedy. Spend more time with friends. Be compassionate. Stand up straight. Meditate. Garden. Chew gum. Nap. Spend time in nature.