

第1个回答  2013-05-15
听力部分第一节 1-5 BABCA 6-10 CCBCA第二节 A. bus B. tennis C. party D. lessons E. waterfall 笔试部分11-15 ABCBD 16-20 CBCAD21-25 CABBD 26-30 CAADD 31-35 CDBCA 36-40 DDCBA41-45 CBCAC 46-50 BCCAC51. beach 52. concert 53. fresh 54. send 55. tennis56. from place to place 57. These days 58. take part in 59. couldn’t, until60. go abroad One possible version: May Day holiday is coming. Most people have a holiday plan. I would like to travel to some places of interest with my family. I want to visit the Great Wall very much. It is in the north of China. The Great Wall in Beijing is the most interesting and wonderful. It looks like a big dragon along the hills. The Great Wall has a long history. It’s about 2,000 years old. It’s really very great. Do you want to visit the Great Wall one day?选做题1. Can I help you?2. Can you play basketball?3. What’s your name, please?4. And what’s your phone number, please?5. Do you have an e-mail address? 第2版参考答案《句型荟萃》1. (1) C (2) Why not 2. (1) B (2) used to 3. (1) D (2) take, to go 4. your help 5. are going / planning to 6. (1) didn’t, until (2) didn’t, until 7. (1) B (2) so that 8. (1) A (2) It’s, to clean (3) It’s, difficult for, to say《情景交际》1. southeast 2. farms 3. mountains 4. Mount 5. Cook 6. Auckland7. far《语音天地》一、 略 二、 1-5 BDABA 第3版参考答案《阅读加油站》Pre-reading It tells us some ideas about travelling in the holiday. While-reading 1-5 DBBCCPost-reading 1. The writer thinks he likes travelling in the holiday.2. 略《任务型阅读》(A) 1. small 2. 400 3. at night 4. children, adults(B) 1-3 FFT