求一篇高中升大学的英语作文 书信格式的


To xx:One of the biggest differences between high school and college is that in college every decision is yours to make. Your parents are not there to remind you to do your homework. You are now allowed to choose what classes you want to take and when those classes will be.

The Benefit: If you have ever felt trapped while in high school, because you were unable to make decisions for yourself. Now is the time to prove to everyone that you know what is best for you. In college you are set free, and if you let your ambitions guide you, you can go places and do things that you never imagined.

The Negatives: For many students, freedom is the one thing that destroys them. If you have the freedom to do great things, you also have the freedom to make poor decisions.

My favorite freedom that I gained by graduating from high school was no longer needing to ask to use the restroom! I hated asking a student teacher, still in college and only a few years older than me, if I could use the restroom.