

第1个回答  2014-05-19
英语口语对话范文(务必熟记)Jones:It wonderful that I have 57 days holidays. I want to start a trip, but I don’t know where to go, and I don’t want to stay at home any longer because it is very boring .
Simon: That is a long holiday ,you can relax yourself happily.
Jones:can you give me some good suggestions that where I should go?
Simon: Well, last month my friend Helen came to Beijing for a trip when he came back ,he told many interesting things about Beijing .
Jones:can you tell me in detail?
Simon: Yes , of course .such as the people there are friendly, the foods there are and tasted , the most important things is that you will not spend much money but you can still enjoy yourself, after the talk with him ,I hope to go there at once.
Jones:That’s a good idea . I know something about Beijing from the magazine , like the Great Wall and the Forbidden city , and I decide where I will go to.
Simon: Yes, Beijing is attractive and beautiful. please show your photos to me as soon as you come back.
Jones: Yes, I will.
Simon: When will you set out?
Jones: Maybe next month. I have to make enough preparations for this meaningful trip.
Simon: You are so thoughtful. Can you tell me who will go with you?
Jones: No, nobody but myself. I will go there one.
Simon: oh, it is dangerous !
Jones: I don’t think that, and I will go to Beijing by plane. It is safe
Simon: All the best!
Jones: Thank you. But what a long holiday, what will you do?
Simon: I will have a trip too, maybe Hainan. I like swimming very much.
Jones: It is so cool, and it is lively on the beach !
Simon: Yes, I like it.
Jones: Have a good time !
Simon: The same to you. Thank you very much !

制作人:东莞理工学院Simon, Jones .2014,5,18
第2个回答  2013-05-21