求一首欧美男声英文歌,轻快欢乐的,类似i am yours。副歌是XXX never changeXX never change XX never 。

有一句是looking at the picture,还有nothing out the door (outdoor?) 副歌是。。never change 。。never change。。 change that。。最后是i ‘ll get the girl。

是很像 i am yours 的风格,不知道是不是新歌
主要是副歌,。。。。change 。。。。。change。。。

第1个回答  2013-01-30
Live High【英文歌词】I try to picture a girl through a looking glass。And see her as a carbon atom, see her eyes and stare back at them。See the girl as her own new world。Though her home is on the surface she is still a universe。Glory God, oh God is peeking through the blinds。Are we all here standing naked。Taking guesses at the actual date and time。Oh my, justifying reasons why。Is an absolutely insane resolution to live by。Live high, live mighty。Live righteously takin' it easy。Live high, live mighty。Live righteously。I try to picture the man to always have an open hand。See him as a giving tree, see him as matter。Matter of fact he's not a beast。No, not the devil either, always a good deed doer。Well, it's laughter that we're makin' after all。The call of the wild is still in order nationwide。In the order of the primates all our politics are too late。Oh my, the congregation in my mindIs an assembly selling gratitude and practicing their lovin' of youLive high, live mightyLive righteously takin' it easyLive high, live mightyLive righteouslyAnd oh, let's take it easy and celebrate the malleable realityBecause nothing is ever as it seems, this life is but a dreamLive high, live mightyLive righteously takin' it easyLive high, live mightyLive righteously, let's take it easyLive high, live mightyLive righteously takin' it easyLive high, live mightyLive righteously, let's take it easy【中文翻译】透过镜子 我试着描绘一个女孩 可以选择把她看成一颗小小的尘埃 我转过身凝视他的眼睛 也可以去想象她有一个只属于自己的全新世界 尽管她看上去很平凡,但仍可能像宇宙那样神秘光荣的上帝啊,上帝正在偷偷看着我们这群浑然不觉的人们在他面前我们是不是都是一样,赤裸裸站在那儿猜一猜确切的日期和时间上帝啊, 为了追寻世间万物的因由而活着是最疯开心的活着用力的生活正直的生活让自己放轻松吧开心的活着,用力的生活正直的活着狂的决心吧我试着描绘一个男人一个平时很慷慨的男人把他想象成一颗挂着礼物的树把他想象成一件东西事实上,他不是牲口也不是魔鬼但我们这样想象着,他就变得很可笑为什么,自然界依旧要被分类 有为什么要有区别的对待 我们的规则总是滞后 哦,我的上帝,我的脑子里有人在集会 是在合唱着对你的感激吗? 奋力的表达着他们对你的爱开心的活着 用力的生活 正直的生活 让自己放轻松吧 开心的活着, 用力的生活 正直的活着让自己放轻松吧 去赞美着充满一切可能的世界吧 因为一切都不会只有看上去的那么简单 这就是生活,不是梦想放松吧 开心的活着 用力的生活 正直的生活 让自己放轻松吧 开心的活着, 用力的生活 正直的生活。追问




第2个回答  2013-01-28
是不是这首can't stop love追问

