

第1个回答  2006-03-20
"Oh,hi mate! How are you these days?"
"Just so so, more or less.And you?"
"You know, I'm studying about the topic of dinosaurs. It's really a stuff!"
"Oh? What subject are you working on?"
"About the extinction of dinosaurs.Fantastic, isn't it? Those once-overlords disappeared on the earth in a very short period, but no one knows what happened actually!"
"That is.. What do you think?"
"Think what? About the mysterious diappearance of those extremely tremendous creatures?"
"Yum! Tell me about your ideas first!"
"Eh.. Climate? I think I heard it many times on TVs"
"Yeah! The sudden change of the temperature. It went cooler and killed them off! That's the most common explanation, but it sounds dull to me! And more?"
"Then, the lack of food? Those dinosaurs ran out of food, and couldn't bear the hunger anymore so they all suicided?"
"A little more imaginative this time, but not enough!~"
"..., tell me, old man, what's your explanation or research!"
"In my report, the dinosaur extincted by the invasion of the aliens!"
"Pardon, the what?"
"The aliens! The attack from the outer space! The dinosaurs were destroyed by battlecruisers of them!"
"Have you read too much science fiction yesterday? This idea sounds crazy to me!"
"Well, I do collect many evidences from various kind of materials to support this opinon. Crazy? Yes I think it's really a little, but who cares! Most of the gifted-scientists were also regarded as mad when them hadn't got fame!"
"Ok ok! I'll be at your side whatever you do!"
"Thank you very much my dear brother! I'm moved by your words :)"
"Oh, just forget it!"

第2个回答  2006-03-21
Tom:I am Tom. What is your name?
John:My name is John.
Tom:Are your a student?
John:Yea I am a student. And you?
Tom:I,m a student,too, Do you have any brother and sister?
John:No,I am the only child, Do you?
Tom:Yes,I have one elder sister and one younger brother.
John:Where do you live. Tom?
Tom:I live near the school.
John:Really?Me too.
Tom:Great!You can come my home and we can play together someday.
John:Okay Nice to me you.
Tom:Nice to me you too. See you them.
John:See you.
第3个回答  2021-06-10
Secrets and lies
Dear Anna:
I feel betrayed by my friend Hannah. We have been best friends, since primary school,and spend almost every day, with each other. Sometimes, other children say, we are no fun. Because we are both very academic and like to study, but we like it that way. We are both very hard working and always get good grades at school. However, One day I had a surprise math quiz. I thought it was quite easy and was not worried about the results, But I fault, I got a D, I told Hannah and I begged her not to tell anyone else, she said she would keep my secret. As a result in, She told others. I'm just sad. Now I lost my best friends, what should I do? I hope you help me.
Yours sincerely.