

第1个回答  2023-12-17


1. Last year, my house had a comfortable living room, and this year we added more furniture and decorations to make it even more cozy.去年我的房子里有一个舒适的客厅,今年我们增加了更多的家具和装饰,让它更加温馨。

2. The kitchen last year only had basic equipment, but this year we upgraded the cookware and appliances to make it more modern.去年厨房只有基本的设备,今年我们升级了厨具和电器,让它更加现代化。

3. The bathroom was simple and functional last year, but we renovated it this year to make it more spacious and comfortable.去年卫生间简单实用,今年我们重新装修了它,让它更加宽敞和舒适。

4. The backyard was just an empty space last year, but this year we planted flowers and trees to turn it into a beautiful garden.去年后院是一片空地,今年我们种植了花草和树木,让它成为了一个美丽的花园。

5. There were no entertainment devices in the house last year, so this year we bought a TV and stereo to make family life more.去年家里没有娱乐设备,今年我们购买了电视和音响,让家庭生活更加丰富多彩。
