

第1个回答  2023-08-23

  题目为:People are surrounded by advertising. This both affects what people think is important and has a negative impact on people’s lives.To what extent do you agree or disagree?
  Whether we like it or not, advertising has penetrated into all aspects of life, which has significantly affected people's buying decisions and lifestyles. I believe that this trend does more harm than good to people's lives.
  To boost the sales or promote new products, companies tend to design the advertisement to be tempting, or invite popular stars and celebrities to the advertising campaign. This can impel consumers to open their wallets to buy the goods impulsively. Consumers used to care more about the price, quality and purpose of the product, but now they shift their attention to the product's popularity or whether their idols are using the same brand.
  In addition, the fashionable elements involved in the advertisement often put consumers under pressure. They may worry that they are out of fashion as described on the advertising, and thus follow the trend to buy the recommended goods, regardless of price. This spending habit can lead to an economic burden or a wrong concept of consumption. Some people, especially young consumers, may compete with others in material ways.
  There is no denying that advertisements provide useful information and assist consumers' decision-making, when they are faced with various products made by competitive manufacturers. However, this cannot change the fact that many companies tend to exaggerate the strong points and neglect the weaknesses of their products in the advertising, making it difficult for consumers to get a clear picture of the product.
  In conclusion, advertising is unavoidable in the commercial society. To reduce its negative effects on the general public, the authorities need to regulate the advertising industry and encourage rational spending. (270 words)
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