

第1个回答  2009-07-29
"Lion King" ,is"The Walt Disney Company," the first 32 classic animated feature film. Leading to a named "Simba" (Simba) the lion. At that time, use the most advanced 2D animation technology, and with a grand symphony, integration of local original music in Africa, won the 1994 Oscar for best musical and best original film the theme song of the two awards, becoming a milestone in Disney animation works 1. Son. "Lion King" this heat wave then swept around the world.本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2009-07-27
“"Lion King", is “Huate Disney Corporation” 32nd classical animation lengthy picture. The lead is a first place calls “the Xin Pakistan” (Simba) the lion. Using at that time most advanced 2D animation technology, and is joined to the grand symphony, fuses the African locality primitive music, had the honor to receive in 1994 Oscar best original works music and the best movie theme song two big prizes, became one of Disney animation milestone works. "Lion King" this heat wave rolls up like a mat the world afterward.”