
1. Nowadays advertisements are found everywhere.
2. Advertisements fill almost every minute of a day.
3 No one can avoid being influenced by ads.
题目:My Thoughts about Advertising

第1个回答  2010-10-12
Nowadays advertisemnts are found everywhere.They smile to us from the television screen, or shout to us from the radio loudspeakers, wave invitingly to us from every page of the newspaper and magazine, pluck at our sleeves on the bus and escalators,signal to us from roadside billboards all day and flash messages to us in colored lights all night.

Advertisements fill almost every minute of a day.You will be waked up by the ad songs from outside in the early morning. The newspapers you pick up after lunch are full of ads, from clothes, cosmetics to Coco Cola, virtually anything that can be purchased. The films shown on TV in the evening are often interrupted by commercials.

No one can avoid being influenced by ads. Is it possible for us to sit indifferent to a certain beautiful, convenient, versatile vacuum cleaner shown on TV when you are considering buying one? Is it possible for us not to be attracted to a certain heating device, which claims its wonderful effect of curing chronic diseases and even of helping toward one's longevity?

As a matter of fact, advertisement has become one of the most authoritative voices speaking to us today:it dominates our life.本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2010-10-12
We would find ads in every lamp post of streets. We are being extra careful not clicking the wrong place when surfing the net. Because we don't know what it would do to our PC.
When going into a supermarket the product with good ads quickly catch our eyes while others passed unnoticed. Thus, our perception of quality and trends are being increasingly affected by ads.
Ads are everywhere. Accept the fact. Actually I believe it is a good thing. Because TV programs and search engines are mainly sponsored by ads, without ads, all of these free stuff will start to charge.
第3个回答  2010-10-12
悬赏分:20 - 离问题结束还有 14 天 23 小时
1. Nowadays advertisements are found everywhere.
2. Advertisements fill almost every minute of a day.
3 No one
第4个回答  2010-10-12
20分 这也太扣了