traffic lights造句


第1个回答  2023-05-29

traffic lights造句如下:

1.Don't go through the intersection when the traffic lights turn red.(当交通灯变成红色时,不要通过交叉口。)The traffic lights were out of order,causing a huge traffic jam in the city center.(交通信号灯出现故障,导致市中心交通拥堵严重。)

2.The pedestrian waited patiently at the traffic lights until the light turned green before crossing the street.(行人在等待交通信号灯时耐心等候,直到绿灯亮起后才穿过马路。)

3.The police officer stood by the traffic lights to ensure that motorists obeyed the traffic regulations(警察站在交通信号灯旁,确保司机们遵守交通规则。)

4.As soon as the traffic lights turned yellow,ohn accelerated his car to cross the intersection before it turned red.(当交通信号灯变为黄色时,约翰加速开车穿过十字路口,不让灯变成红色。)
