

第1个回答  2022-11-09
问题一:你愿意吗 用英语怎么说 楼主,你好!
Are you willing to xxxx? 比较常用而且正式。
例如,结婚时,牧师常说的,Are you willing to marry him? 嫁给他,你愿意吗?
Would you like to xxxx? 比较常用于口语中,更多表示喜欢什么,偏向于什么。
例如,饭店,服务员常说的,Would you like to have tea or coffee? 省略时,Tea or Coffee?
朋友对你说,Would you like to go with me? 你愿意跟我走吗?

问题二:“你愿意等我吗?”用英文怎么说 Are you willing to wait for me?

问题三:你愿意娶我吗的英文怎么说 英语:Will you marry me? Would you like to marry me?

问题四:你愿意娶我吗 用英文怎么写 will you give me your hand!

问题五:你愿意吗?英文怎么说 Are you willing to?
Are you gonna do that ?

问题六:你愿意做我女朋友吗?英文怎么说 应该第二个,are you willing to be my sweet ?

问题七:你愿意娶我吗?用英语怎么说? will 表示意愿,愿意。所以为Will ypu marry me?请采纳一下

问题八:你愿意做我女朋友吗?用英语翻译 You are the apple in my eye 要是表白就用这个吧,比起直接的显得你有深度,她要是明白了,自然就会回答你了;若是不明白,你就作以解释“你是我的挚爱”,活跃一下紧张的气氛嘛,再用中文直接问“你愿意做我女朋友吗”。 兄弟 祝你成功哈,加油!!

问题九:“如果你愿意,就........”用英语怎么说? If you are willing to,…望采纳

问题十:“你愿意嫁给我吗”用英语怎么说 will you marry me?
-- 英汉 - 辞典例句
Bassanio turned to Portia and said, @Dear lady, will you be mine?
-- 新世界名著-威尼斯商人 - The Merchant of Venice (2)
Brad and I always played Hangman while we waited and that night, we were playing our usual game. As I guessed the letters and the words started to form themselves, a sentence emerged: Will you marry me?
-- 英汉 - 翻译参考[网络]
Miss Leslie, he said, hurrying, I only have a moment to talk. I want to say something important in that moment: Will you be my wife? I haven' t had time to show you, but I really do love you. Speak quickly please -- there's the telephone.