

第1个回答  2014-03-25
Mr.White Hello, my name is Li Hua, I am now on behalf of the manager, I'm herewith the most sincere heart for your company to say sorry, today we are in urgent need of the manager of the company he went to Beijing for processing, the original and your company agreed to meet on Friday this time can not bepostponed to next Monday. 望采纳!
第2个回答  2014-03-26
Hello Mr. White,

My name is Hua Li. I am the acting manager in our company. Our executive manager had to head to Beijing Today to take care of an urgent crisis, and we are afraid that he may be unable to come back on Friday. Therefore, we have to ask you for moving the meeting between our two companies from this Friday to next Monday. We truly apologize for any inconvenience brought to you and your company.本回答被网友采纳