

第1个回答  2022-10-30
Origin, rise and fall, sober eventually a dream, but no regret, with a switch to take your eyes, this life is willing to sink into the mud of love, you in the horizon, I will be Cape of the sea.
Without the shoulder to rely on, tears can't be hidden in the broken love frame.
In this world, people who see your jokes will always care more about you.
I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you.
I finally believe that the most painful distance is when you are not around but in your heart.
I don't like to talk when I look at the sky, but I dare not look at the sky when I talk.
Who is the passer-by in his life, who is the wheel of his life, the dust of his past life, the wind of his present life and the endless sad soul? In the end, nobody is anybody.
Flowers on the other side, blooming for a thousand years, falling for a thousand years, flowers and leaves are not seen, feelings are not causal, fate is doomed to life and death, flashy green mulberry, ultimately too many injuries. Noise and silence, eventually hide but sad. Butterfly love the horizon, migrate for a season, watch for a season, abandon the shadow, love for life, bright tears, flowing years, regret, after all, too much pain, flowers, decline, eventually flee but melancholy!
The wound of missing soul doesn't even know who to shed tears for.
Things are human rights and wrongs, and even memories seem to remain.
Low-key is not weakness, but post-attack.
Our only relationship is irrelevant.
Most sensitive people are unhappy.
I've heard a lot of truth, but I still can't live a good life.
I can't go into your fairy tales, and you don't want to go into my stories.
If there is one, I must not choose that way.
Those who yearn for the sky are lonely.
Someday I will walk away silently from you without any noise.
A wisp of *** oke, curling up, green cockroaches point water, willow catkins fluttering. Floating life is like a dream, quiet as a water stop, do not ask for emotions and sorrows, only wish you a good, past generations of wind and frost, this life of quiet resentment. Regardless of rain or snow, we only want to be plain and intoxicated, fill the half-life of drifting away, and say goodbye to the whole life of complaint. Peeling all over the scars, waiting for the Phoenix Nirvana, I wish the desolate, can send each other, I wish this life, and can wear the same clothes.
One person, one city, all his life.
Tired heart is really tired, not clear.
In the city under the neon light, where did my heart fall?
All that talk is just an excuse.
Before we walked together, I swear I will cherish it.
Stealth, not to avoid anyone, but to hope that someone will find me disappeared.
After all, you failed to do what you promised me.
I am not a strong person, but I know when I am strong.
The excitement is theirs. I have nothing.
Is there a moment when you have loved my persistence?
It doesn't matter how little you meet. Just don't like other people.
I found that I am not so noble, I can not bless you happiness, I just want to hand you happiness.
To forget you is to prove that I can forget you.
Why do we miss you longer than we have gone through?
Smart people have sweet mouths, disgusting people can act, and you can't be cheated for anything.
I would rather be parallel to him, never intersect, because once intersected, the farther away the point will be.
Maybe you don't have beauty or money, but your good personality and sense of humor pull your total score up. Only two people whose total score is close will come together. This is the law of the conservation of love. Girls and boys, don't be self-deprecating in love anymore.
Qiongjiang Yulu, waiting for his elder sister to fall, grieves his soul, picks up flowers and nights, sighs at the loss of a remnant. Standing alone under the moon, the shadow hangs in suspense. Holding a green lamp to watch the flower martyr, a solo of cold crescent moon, full of wolves, momentary fragrance, lost and buried in the rain of sycamore, throbbing pattern of youth, infatuated with your 3,000 blue silk hair.
Our love, like a meteor too late to make a wish, can only be as beautiful as before.
People who are accustomed to invisibility have a scar.
In this tortuous secular world, it is also a realm to learn to treat everything around with an ordinary heart.
Time has lost its balance, and my world is only yesterday.
You are a lonely island with your own castle. I can't reach the shore but surround you.
In the long run, it is not that we have not thought about it, but we are afraid that if we think too much, we will burst like a bubble.
When I cry, you cry too. I think you are not alone with me. When I *** ile, you're still crying. You are lonelier than me.
Young and frivolous love ends as soon as one understands it.
Unfortunately, we still can't love to the end.
The wound of missing soul doesn't even know who to shed tears for.
I go online and you go online, then you go invisible and then I go invisible, and then you go online, I understand.
I will learn to forget you, put down you, no longer for your heartache, no longer worry about you, from now on, you are not what I am.
If you hate me, I don't mind at all. I don't live to please you.
Fate is the book. If you turn it over carelessly, you will miss it. If you read it too carefully, you will cry.
Loneliness is no one in your heart! Loneliness is when someone in your heart is not around you
Loneliness is that there is no one in your heart. Loneliness is when someone in your heart is not around.
For a long time, not at all. The sea is dry and the rocks are rotten. It's pure bullshit.
In fact, I still feel sorry, because I really want to marry you, but you left.
The most painful feeling in the world is not the loss of love. But when I give you my heart, you are deceiving me.
If you love someone too deeply, your heart will be drunk; if you hate someone too long, your heart will be broken.
I am not arrogant, I am not foolish, I am tired of all the dependence.
Even though the area is thousands of miles apart, I still feel that your heart is close.
Do my memories live on the other side of the street while my rings die on the other side of the street?
Pearl is the heart of shell's life, you are the concern of my whole life.
Between love and injury, we always choose to love and hurt again.
The desolation of a place is full of the sadness you have bestowed.
Looking back and *** iling, thousands of flowers have been fragile.
Memory is the water poured into the palm of your hand. Whether you open it or hold it tightly, it will eventually flow clean from your fingers, drop by drop.
For a long time, not at all. The sea is dry and the rocks are rotten. It's pure bullshit.
I love you secretly in my heart and watch you suffer for others. What should I do? My happiness is yours, but your happiness has been given to others.
Zeng said that love is not sad, why the horizon does not hold, then ingenious, difficult to understand the fate, love regret, Miss hard to return, the Millennium hope will eventually turn to dust, do not recall, is a flashy dream, the ancient songs are still broken hearts, where the words are desolate. Farewell to the times, close to each other, but it is difficult to get rid of the sadness, is unforgettable, tears, clothes, the most thoughtful, if young and frivolous, they will ponder emotions, tears taste themselves... What's wrong if you don't know each other?
They all say that they don't know how to cherish until they lose it. In fact, the loss after cherishing is the most painful.
Love you think you, is my daily task, for you and I will.
Someday I will walk away silently from you without any noise.
、一跟你讲话,我就会笑得跟个 *** 似的。
I'll laugh like an idiot as soon as I talk to you.
