

第1个回答  2016-12-20
题目:作为教师,我们很关心我们的学生是否在健健康康的成长;作为英语老师,我们也很希望我们的课高效而且令人快乐,从而让我们的学生在英语学习上少走弯路."教学"本就应"相长",在开学之际,坦诚地写写英语老师及英语课吧,提点建议,给点儿鼓励,只因为大家都不容易.动笔写一篇以To My English Teacher为题的作文。不少于120字。 To My English Teacher I am a new student here.I haven't met you yet.I don't know if you teaches well.But I can imagine that you are a kind person.I am sure that you will not make us disappointed.My English is not very excellent.I always make stupid mistakes.I can't do well in English examination.There are a lot of reasons in it.Maybe I spent too little time on English.Maybe I was not interested in it.I hope that you will change that.Maybe you can help me to get interest on English.Many people,especially many boys thinks that English is a boring subject.Some people even thinks that boys couldn't do well in it forever.I will prove that is wrong.Being a boy,I will make great progress in English. (整理收集:英语作文网)


第2个回答  2016-12-06
信息量太少 没法写