

第1个回答  2022-10-11
Keep in mind that the harder the environment is, the more firm will and confidence are needed, and the greater the harm of slackness. —— Leo Tolstoy
The most obvious sign of a great man is his strong will. - Britain
Whoever has the will to go through thousands of hardships can achieve any purpose. —— Minander
God's grace is like a candle, and man's will is like a candle-making candle. If he wants to climb to the paradise on the top of purgatory hill, he lacks his will. Dante
In order to make the ideal palace a reality, we must work hard and quietly, building brick by brick. —— Gorky
Will is everyone's spiritual power, the vision of freedom to create or destroy something, and the creativity to create miracles from nothing. —— Lemontov
Fantasy is harmless. It can even support and strengthen the perseverance of workers. —— Pizarev
The will expressed in human behavior, like all other external things, is determined by universal laws of nature. —— Hegel
Unfortunately, it is the step of genius, the bapti *** of believers, the priceless treasure of capable people, and the bottomless abyss of the weak. —— Balzac
All pains can destroy people, but those who suffer can also destroy them! ____________ -- Byron
Tao is enough to forget things, and ambition is enough to prosper and decline in one breath. -- Su Shi
A man of strong will can overcome setbacks and difficulties and achieve his goals with indomitable spirit and perseverance. Anonymous
The most important thing in life is to have a lofty goal, and to accomplish it with the help of ability and perseverance. -- Gerd
There is no impossible thing in life, but it needs a strong desire, and if necessary, we should spare no expense on life. —— Leonov
Now that I have embarked on this road, nothing should prevent me from following it. -- Kant
Never let your head down, even if you lose everything, you still have the future. —— Oscar Wilde
A strong-willed person can judge what happens calmly and quickly in a complex situation and take firm measures and actions without hesitation. Anonymous
Major success does not depend on strength, but on how long it lasts. —— Johnson
The emergence of will is not the denial of desire, but the merger and promotion of desire to a higher level of consciousness. —— Rolo May
At the age of 30, wit dominates everything; at the age of 30, wit dominates everything; at the age of 40, judgment dominates everything. -- Hardy
Strong beliefs will win strong people, and then make them stronger. —— Walter Beckhoe
As long as we continue to work hard and strive unremittingly, there will be nothing we can't conquer. —— Senegal
The whole secret is only two sentences: perseverance and perseverance. —— Dostoevsky
One of the great advantages of Vietnamese and Vietnamese people is their perseverance in adverse and difficult situations. —— Beethoven
The will is free and free. When a person realizes his will, he also realizes himself, and this self-realization is the greatest satisfaction for an individual. —— Fromm
A lot of miracles have been created with great energy and tenacious determination. —— Dickens
Physics teaches us a severe lesson: human will is subject to certain decisive restrictions. —— Al Barbie
The strong are apt to be strong, just as the weak are apt to be weak. —— Emerson
The three armies can seize commanders, but no man can seize his ambition. Anonymous
We should praise the steadfastness of rocks. We should learn to be firm in rocks. We should have strong confidence in **. -- Tao Zhu
There is no morality to deny freedom of will. —— Freud
As long as there is an infinite self-confidence filled with the soul, and with strong will and independent and uninhibited intelligence, one day we will succeed. —— Maupassant
Strong-willed people, when facing setbacks and failures, can adjust their negative emotions, control their words and deeds, not discouraged, not impatient. Anonymous
Happy is the man who can continue his career forever from the beginning. —— Herzen
In the face of people with strong will and positive enterprising spirit, the difficult environment can make them shake their spirits and work hard. Anonymous
Life is a hard struggle. You can never rest. Otherwise, if you earn it inch by inch, you may lose all your previous achievements in a moment. —— Roman Roland
People without will, people without difficulty, people without brains, everything feels simple. North Korea
"Difficulty" is the same. In the face of the cliff, you can't see a crack in the year, but with an axe, you can get in an inch, you can get in an inch, you can get in a foot, you can accumulate constantly, you can make a leap, and breakthroughs will follow. —— Hua Luogeng
Do it according to your will, don't listen to gossip, you will succeed. —— Nasredan Hocha
The will and destiny often run counter to each other, and the determination will be overthrown in the end. —— Shakespeare
One of the great advantages of an outstanding person is his perseverance in adverse and difficult situations. —— Beethoven
A will without strength is like a child pretending to be a soldier. -- Canin
If you have firm will, you will add a pair of wings to your feet. —— Joe Bailey
Never let your head down, even if you lose everything, you still have the future. —— Oscar Wilde
If a person can confidently follow his ideal direction and make up his mind to live the life he wants, he will surely achieve unexpected success. —— Dell Carnegie
Great work is done not with strength but with patience. —— Johnson
Few people are able to stand still, adhere to their right views and overcome difficulties. -- Hugo
For a man of perseverance, nothing is impossible. —— Heywood
The only way to free the will is to free the will from capriciousness-Ju Cha Hale
Will - This is not only the satisfaction of desire and desire, but also desire and restraint, desire and abandonment. If your child is only trained to fulfill his or her wishes, he or she will not have the greatest will. —— Makarenko
Life is like an ocean. Only a strong-willed person can reach the other shore. —— Marx
Whoever shakes his confidence in the middle is a weak-willed person; Whoever makes up his mind and lacks flexibility is a fool. —— Knowles
Strong-willed people can put the world in their hands and knead it like mud. -- Gerd
Only a strong man has a sacred will, and anyone who fights can win. -- Gerd
Where there is will, there will be a way out. Germany
If you are determined to work hard like planting trees, your roots and buds are still not dry; if they are dry, they have not yet branches; if they are branches, then leaves, then flowers. —— Wang Shouren
What a person can do is to set a good example and have the courage to hold high ethical beliefs firmly in the gossip society. —— Einstein
To cultivate will is the goal of our existence. —— Love and dedication
It is clear that the future does not belong to those who hesitate, but to those who persevere in reaching their goals once they have decided. —— Roman Roland
Strong people are not those who have no weaknesses, but those who are brave and good at overcoming their weaknesses. Anonymous
Patience and perseverance are always rewarded. —— Einstein
Hope is a strong courage and a new will. —— Martin Luther
The will to make no decisions is not the will of reality; a person without character never makes decisions. —— Hegel
Do you want to do something? So go down firmly! A recession in love will only weaken your will. —— Roy Herrick
If I insist on anything, I can't be knocked down by cannon. —— Papulov
There are joys and pains in life; there are successes and failures; there are successes and setbacks. In the face of pain, failure and frustration, only a strong person will have successful experience and experience. Anonymous
Richness cannot be lewd, poverty cannot be removed, and power cannot be surrendered. -- Meng Zi
Be strong-willed, diligent, exploratory, discovering, and never yielding, cherishing the goodness that comes along our way! Endure the evil in and around us, and resolve to eliminate it. —— Huxley
No one can deprive us of our free will. —— Epictetus
Be strong, be brave, don't let despair and vulgar sorrow overwhelm you, and keep the great soul open-minded and calm when suffering. —— Amichias
The will of the people supported by indomitable beliefs is more powerful than those seemingly invincible material forces. —— Einstein
I must admit that luck likes to take care of brave people. —— Darwin
Self-improvement is the way for the world to be strong, and ambition is the way for the great king. —— Kang Youwei
Strong will will triumphs over bad luck. —— Anonymous
Strong beliefs can win the hearts of the strong and make them stronger. —— Bachette
If you don't remember a book, you can remember it by proficient reading; if you don't have a good sense, you can think carefully; if you don't have an ambition, you can never put your efforts into it. —— Zhu Xi
A person who can win universal respect is not because of his prominent position, but because of his consistent words and deeds and indomitable spirit. —— Leo Tolstoy
You know, how revered it is to be able to maintain self-improvement in difficult situations. —— Longfellow
Public interest and human welfare can make abominable work valuable. Only an enlightened person can know the enthusia *** needed to overcome difficulties. —— Anonymous
Without great will power, there can be no great talent. —— Balzac
The will to make no decisions is not the will of reality; a person without character never makes decisions. —— Hegel
To be tenacious, the most important thing is to stick to the end. —— Dostoevsky
Even when you stare at the earth, the superb gaze still retains the ability to gaze at the sun. —— Hugo
Tell you the secret of achieving my goal. My only strength is my perseverance. —— Pasteur
Be poor and strong, and never fall into the clouds. —— Wang Bo
Life is like an ocean. Only a strong-willed person can reach the other shore. —— The horse is thinking
The formation of thought is, first of all, the formation of will. —— Moloya
