

第1个回答  2022-09-26
Dozing off in the middle of a lecture also irks your teacher, and that can lead to more problems. If you find yourself falling asleep in class, you should adjust your sleep habits, first and foremost. Avoid late nights if you can, because you probably can’t avoid early morning classes.,在课堂上打瞌睡会让你的老师厌烦,除此之外,这可能会导致更多其他的问题。如果你发现自己在课堂上睡着了,首先也是最重要的,你应该调整你的睡眠习惯。如果可以请避免熬夜,因为你无法逃避早课。, Immediate Solutions 快速解决方案 ,The next time you feel yourself drifting off to dreamland when you should be taking notes, you can try one of these quick fixes to keep yourself awake.,下一次你应该做笔记却昏昏欲睡时,你可以尝试下面的小方法来保持清醒。,Try a cold water break.  If you feel yourself dozing off, try to take a break and find a water fountain. Take a cold drink and splash your you find this helps, you can use this as a regular strategy.,尝试用冷水放松。如果你觉得自己开始打瞌睡,试着休息一下,找一个饮水机。喝一口冷水并且用冷水来洗脸。如果你发现这种方法有效的话,你可以将它用作一种定时的策略。,Take off the sweater. The cozier we feel, the drowsier we bee. Most classrooms tend to be chilly, so try to dress in layers that can be adjusted during class. If you start to feel drowsy, remove a layer or o until you start to feel the chill. Cold air keeps us awake.,脱下毛衣。我们感觉越舒适,越会昏昏欲睡。大部分教室往往是寒冷的,所以尽量在上课时多穿几件衣服,可以在课堂上调整。如果你开始昏昏欲睡,那么脱掉一层或者两层衣服,直到你开始感到冷。寒冷的空气可以使我们清醒。,Chew peppermint gum. There are some scents and flavors that tend to make us more alert. Peppermint is said to have this effect, so chewing peppermint gum should be helpful – and the stronger the better. Fresh lemon scent is also effective, so you could consider keeping sour lemon candy on hand, as well. If you are allowed to bring drinks to class, drinking cold lemonade may also work wonders.,嚼薄荷口味口香糖。有一些气味或味道会让我们更加清醒。据说薄荷有这种效果,所以嚼薄荷口香糖应该有所帮助,且气味越强越好。新鲜的柠檬香味也是有效的,所以你也可以考虑准备酸的柠檬糖。如果课堂上允许你携带饮料的话,喝冷的柠檬水还也会有很好的效果。,Eat natural wake-up snacks. You can wake up your brain by shaking up your taste buds with spicy or tart foods. Dried tart cherries are a good option, and spicy chili peppers would certainly do the trick (but that might be weird in the classroom).,使用一些天然的提神食物。你可以食用辣和酸的食物来 *** 味蕾以唤醒你的大脑。酸樱桃干是一个很好的选择,辣椒也能取得良好的效果(但可能在教室里比较奇怪)。,Citrus fruits are refreshing, so if your teacher doesn’t mind, you could take orange slices in a *** all plastic bag and snack on them during class.,柑橘类的实物非常清香,因此,如果老师不介意的话,你可以将橘子切片装在小的塑料袋中并且在课堂上食用。,Avoid sugary solutions. Sugary drinks are not good for you, and even those with caffeine are not good solutions for staying awake in class. Large doses of carbs, sugar, and caffeine might keep you awake for a short time, but they will eventually lead to a “crash,” and have the opposite effect.,避免含糖的饮品。含糖饮料对你并不好,甚至含咖啡因的饮品也不是课上保持清醒的良好解决方案。大剂量的碳水化合物、糖和咖啡因会让你清醒一段时间,但是他们最终将导致一个“重磅睡眠”,产生相反的效果。,Sit by the window. Sunlight has an impact on us. Soaking up the sunshine tends to make us more awake and alert, so sit by the window if you can.,坐在窗户旁边。阳光会对你产生影响。接受阳光会让我们更加清醒和警觉,所以如果可以的话请坐在靠窗口的座位。,Speak up. The more you are engaged in class, the more alert you will be. If your teacher encourages interaction, go ahead and raise that hand! You could prepare a list of possible questions ahead of time based on your readings, or you could predict the teacher’s questions and go to class with prepared answers.,多说。在课堂上你参与的越多,你就会更加清醒。如果你的老师鼓励互动,你可以参与并举手!根据你的阅读情况,你可以提前准备一份可能用到的的问题列表,或者你可以预测老师的问题并带着这些问题听课。,Pinch yourself. Some people say that they snap themselves out of drowsiness by pinching themselves on the back of the hand or tugging on their earlobes when they start to feel drowsy.,掐自己。有些人说当他们开始感到昏昏欲睡是,他们通过掐自己的手或拉耳垂打断自己的睡意。, Everyday Habits to Avoid Sleepiness 避免困倦的日常习惯 ,Eat *** all portions and eat healthy. Big meals filled with carbs are a bad idea if you tend to get sleepy at school. Instead of pancakes with syrup or sugary cereal, try yogurt and fruit for breakfast. At lunchtime, try to avoid eating too much bread and pasta, and add some fresh veggies to your meal.,少吃,吃健康的食物。如果你不希望在学校困倦,那么富含碳水化合物的大餐是一个不错的主意。而不是煎饼搭配果汁或含糖谷类,试试酸奶和水果当早餐。在午餐时间,尽量避免吃太多面包和意大利面,并添加一些新鲜蔬菜。,Carry vegetable sticks or raisins with you and snack on those throughout the day. Eating *** aller amounts several times a day is better than eating a few heavy meals.,随身携带蔬菜棒或葡萄干等零食。每天少食多餐比多食少餐要更健康。,Drink Water. Dehydration can cause sleepiness. Make sure you drink water throughout the day.,喝水。脱水会导致嗜睡。确保你每天喝水。,Get exercise. You already know that regular exercise is good for your mind and your body. Studies show that regular exercise can also keep us from feeling sleepy in the middle of the day.,运动。你已经知道定期锻炼对你的大脑和身体都有好处。研究表明,有规律的锻炼也可以使我们在一天当中避免困倦。,Sneak a power nap. Studies also show that you can build up a sleep deficit when you go several days with little sleep. But you can also recharge yourself with little catnaps that last up to fifteen minutes. If you have the ability to take a short nap in  office or in your car during lunch, you could find it makes all the difference.,小睡一会,恢复精力。研究还表明,当你连续几天睡眠很少,会形成一个睡眠亏损。但是你也可以让自己打15分钟的小盹来补充睡眠。如果你可以在办公室小睡一会儿或午饭期间在车里小睡一会,你会感到很不一样。,声明:本双语文章的中文翻译系原创内容,转载请注明出处。中文翻译仅代表译者个人观点,仅供参考。如有不妥之处,欢迎指正。
