

第1个回答  2010-10-05
( )1、 A four B、 door C、 morning D、 colour
( ) 2、 A good B look C、 too D、 classroorn
( )3、 A stand B、 map C、 woman D,dad
( )4、 A、 chair B school C、China D、 watch
( )5、 A、 nine B、 Miss C、 picture D、this
( )6、 / / A、 daughter B、 blouse C、flower D、old
( )7、// A、 eleven B、 pencil C、desk D、 teacher
( )8、/u/ A、 ruler B、 student C、under D、 put
( )9、/ei/ A、 father B、 banana C、 cake D、 cat
( )10/θ/ A、 that B、 think C、 with D、 them
()1、par___t A、 an B、 en C、 on D、in
()2、w____dow A、en B、 an C、 in D、 on
()3、blackb____d A、 oar B、 our C、 or D、oor
()4、tw__l___e A、 e, f B、 e,v C、 a,f D、av
()5、____ite A、wh B、 hw C、h D、w
()6、fr____nd A、ei B、 ia C、 ea D、ie
()7、f_____ty A、our B、 or C、 ur D、ar
()8、s______ A、ior B、oar C、 ure D、ear
()9、h_____f A、 all B、 ul C、 el D、 al
()10、ph___ne A、 a B、 u C、 o D、e
11、she(宾格)___________ 12、are not (缩写)________________
13、family(复数)_____________ 14、I(名词性物主代词)_____________
15、his (主格)_________________16、child(复数)_____________
17、too (同音词)______________18、lock v、(反义词)_________
21、UFO ________________ 22、用日语(表达)______________________
23、watch TV______________ 24、照顾,照看__________________________
25、Let me see . _____________________26、初一.三班 ________________
27、have supper _____________________ 28、在那边_____________________
29、at school________________________30、看一看(短语)_________________
()1、——What’s this in English? ——________ a pen.
A、This is B、 That’s C、 It’s D、 Its
()2、Rose has a happy(幸福)family.______ father and mother _______young.
A、 She,is B、 Her,are C、 Her,isn’t D、My,am
()3、This is _______old picture. _______old picture is on _________wall.
A、a, An, a B、 an, An, a, C、an ,The ,the D、 an, the ,the
()4、——What colour _______it ?—_____ orange.
A、is, They’re B、 are, They’re C、 is ,It’s D、is ,I’m
()5、There _______ three desks and a computer in the room.
A、are B、 is C、 has D、 have.
()6、 These are _____ apples. __________are in the bag.
A、her ,You B、 mine ,Your C、 our ,Hers D、his ,My
()7、Look! The man ____ the biack car is my son’s teacher.
A、to B、 in C、of D、for
()8、 Can you __ the shirt ,please? —Yes.
A、to wash B、 washes C、 wash D、 are wash
()9、—__________ not here today? —Bill is not here.
A、Who’s B、Whose C、 Who are D、 What’s
()10、—Do you have an e-mail address ?—Yes,____.
A、I am B、 I can C、 I have D、 I do
()11、Let me ____ your new watch.
A、look B、look at C、 have a look D、 to look
()12、________his shoes under the bed on the floor?
A、Are B、 Is C、 Has D、 She’s
()13、The blue sweaters in the box are nice .But I like _____on the shelf(架子).
A、 the yellow ones B、 red one C、 a one D、 green ones
()14、 What’s the time?它的同义句___________.
A、What day is it today? B、 What time is it ?
C、 Where’s the clock? D、What’s that?
()15、There is a red hat on the table .Please_____.
A、put on it B、 put them on C、 put on mine D、 put it on
()16、—Hello! May I speak to Mr. Smith, please?
—Sorry, he’s not in.Who's ____, Please?
—________is Jack.
A、 this , this B、 that That C、 that ,This D、 this that
()17、—Are these ____ jeeps? —NO,________.
A、 Chineses ,they aren’t B、 American, they are
C、 Japan ,they aren’t D、English ,they aren’t
()18、—__________,Tom ,Where’s my doll?
—Oh, sorry ,I don’t know . I think _____behind the door.
A、Excuse me , it ’s B、 Here you are ,she’s
C、 I’m sorry ,its D、 How are you ,he’s
()19、This is the twins’ bedroom. We can see ________beds .
A、May’ s and Joy’s B、 May’ s and Joy
C、May and Joy D、 May and Joy’s
()20、Can you count ____one _____a hundred?
A、from, to B、 for ,to C、 like ,in D、 at ,on


1.There‘s ____ old pencil on the book, ____ pencil is mine.

a.a/an b.a/the c.an/the d.the/the

2.____ pictures are there on the wall?

a.How many b.How much c.Whose d.what

3.He has _____ lights in the room.

a.any b.no c.a d.not some

4.The boy is only two, but he can ____ up to hundred.

a.count b.listen c.go d.ask

5.She has a sister, he has _____, too.

a.the one b.ones c.one d.her

6.---What colour are the cats?

---I think _____ white and black.

a.they’re b.them c.it‘s d.it

7.Everyone _____ my purse looks like yours.

a.say b.says c.tells d.tell

8.It’s Jim‘s bag. Give ____, please.

a.it him b.him it c.them him d.him them

9.----____ are they? ---They are my friends.

a.Who b.Whose c.Which d.What

10.There are _____ on the table.

a.3 bottles of oranges b.3 bottle of oranges

b.3 bottle of orange d.3 bottles of orange

11.It’s _____ black. It‘s _____ black car.

a…./… b.a/… c…/a d.a/a

12.Where’s Beijing? It‘s in _____.

a.Zhejiang b.Wubei c.Wunan d.Hebei

13.Which of the two policemen ____ Mike?

a.am b.is c.are d.be

14.____ eraser on the desk is Jim’s.

a.An b.The c.A d./ 初一上(末)英语(6-3)

15.Can you _____ the number of the bus? Yes, I can.

a.listen b.look c.see d.meet

16.Are Lucy and Lily from the same family? _____.

a.Yes, they are b.No they are

c.Yes, they aren‘t d.No, they are America

17.Don’t sit on the chair, there _____ on it.

a.is some water b.are some water

c.is any water d.are any water

18.They have _____ on the hill.

a.apple tree b.apple trees c.apples tree d.apples trees

19.This is Rose‘s sweater, put _____ on her bed.

a.them b.it c.this d.that

20.---Give me some oranges, please. --- _____.

a.Here you are. b.That’s all right

c.OK, give you d.It‘s here

I.单项选择 10%

( ) 1.My pen pal ________ Brazil.
A. from B. is from C. come from D. are from
( ) 2.There is ______u and _____s in the word us.
A. an, a B. an, an C. a, an D. a, a
( ) 3.There are two windows ____ the wall and one picture_____ it.
A. on, on B. in, in C. in, on D. on, in
( ) 4.He likes to eat rice, _____ and _______.
A. chicken, tomatoes B. chickens, tomatoes
C. chicken, tomato D. chickens, tomatos
( ) 5. She can play ____basketball, but she can’t play ______ guitar.
A./,/ B./,the C. a,/ D. the,/
( ) 6.Mum,_____ is my friend, Mike.
A.he B.she C.this D.it
( ) 7.______ a black cat and ______ name is Mimi.
A.It’s,its B.Its,it’s C.It’s,it’s D.Its,its
( ) 8. Can you ______English? Yes, just a little.
A.say B.talk C.tell D. .speak
( ) 9.Most people like _______ a shower in the evening.
A. takes B.take C.takeing D. taking
( )10. You speak good English.
A.No,thanks. B.Thanks. C.Yes,right. D.Don’t say it.
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