

第1个回答  2022-07-22

1. 表示具体时间的英文句子


有时也可只读“钟点数”,而不说o\'clock。如: It\'s ten(o\'clock)a.m.now.现在是上午十点。

2.顺读法:按“钟点数+分钟数”的顺序直接读出来的方法叫顺读法。如:4:35读作 four thirty-five,9:58读作nine fifty-eight,5:04读作five O four,11:00读作eleven o\'clock等。

3.逆读法:按“分钟数+to/past+钟点数”的顺序读时间的方法叫逆读法。 A:分钟数不超过30时,用“分钟数+ past +钟点数”表示“几点几分”。

如:10:20读作:twenty past ten 注意:①分钟数是15时,一般不说“fifteen past +钟点数”而要说“a quarter past +钟点数”。②分钟数是30时,一般用逆读法“half past +钟点数”。

B:分钟数超过30时,用“分钟数+to+钟点数”,其中“分钟数”为60减去原分钟数,“钟点数”为“下一个钟点数”,表示“差几分几点”。如: 6:54读作six to seven(six=60-54, seven =6+1) 9:45读作:fifteen to ten(a quarter to ten) at,in and on都可以与time or date 相连构成短语,但是一般来说: 1、at 5 o\'clock--at后常与时间连接 2、in july/in 1979--in后常跟月份和年代 3、on Monday/on May 5th--on后常跟星期几或表示一个具体的日子。

2. 英语:说几点钟

▲X点差一分钟one to x 如 5:59是复one to six▲X点y分x y 如6:20分是six twenty or( 60-y) to (x+1) 【要超过30分以后才可以制用这种】如5:50分是ten to six,也可以说成five fiftyor y past x【要没百超过30分才可以用这种】如5:20分是five twenty或者twenty past five▲X点三刻度a quarter to x+1 或者 x forty-five如4点3刻:a quarter to five 或者four forty-five▲X点半half past x or x 30 如5:30是half past five或者five thirty。

3. 英语:说几点钟


one to x 如 5:59是复one to six


x y 如6:20分是six twenty

or( 60-y) to (x+1) 【要超过30分以后才可以制用这种】如5:50分是ten to six,也可以说成five fifty

or y past x【要没百超过30分才可以用这种】如5:20分是five twenty或者twenty past five


a quarter to x+1 或者 x forty-five如4点3刻:a quarter to five 或者four forty-five


half past x or x 30 如5:30是half past five或者five thirty.

4. 几点钟了用英语怎么说

几点钟了翻译成英文是What's the time?







What's the time limit for the reinspection?







3、句式What is he?中,所提问的是他的职业或者身份,回答不可以是人名。

5. 英语几点钟的英语问题

nine five, five past nine

four ten, ten past four

seven twenty-five, twenty-five past seven

ten twenty, twenty past ten

eleven fifteen, a quarter past eleven

three eighteen, eighteen past three

one twenty-seven, twenty-seven past one

three thirty, half past three

eight fifteen, a quarter past eight

one thirty, half past one

nine forty, twenty to ten

four thirty, half past four

twelve eight, eight past twelve

three forty-five, a quarter to four

six fifty-five, five to seven

one fifty-eight, two to two

four forty-eight, twelve to five

eleven forty-six, fourteen to twelve

nine twenty-five, twenty-five past nine

ten thirty, half past ten

twelve ten, ten past twelve

6. 9:00用英语表示时间的短语怎么写

9:00=nine o'clock=nine

1. 直接表示时间法:就是按照几点几分的顺序来表示时间。(这个最简单)例如:

8:00——eight(o'clock) 5:20——five twenty

2. 添加介词表示法



12:05—— five past twelve

9:50——ten to ten

8:40——twenty to nine

温馨提示:在第二种表示法中,如果分钟是15,一般用a quarter 来代替fifteen; 如果分钟是30, 一般用half来代替thirty。例如:

9:15——a quarter past nine

11:30——half past eleven

2:45——a quarter to three

7. 时间分钟英语

ten past one

a quarter past one(fifteen past one)

twenty past one

twenty five past one

thirty five past one(twenty five to two)

fourty past one(twenty to two)

fifty past one(ten to two)

fifty five past one(five to two)

假设是 h时m分,那么:

一般来说,30分钟之前(m30)也可以说 m past h,但是更多的是说 (60-m) to (h+1)
