
中国的中秋节是一家团圆的节日,在这样的团圆日子里,合家团聚, 探亲访友,吃喝玩乐,大家玩的非常开心。
一般美国人提前安排好感恩节的日程, 回家团聚. 在这个节日里, 家庭会举行一次感恩聚会,所有成员集聚在一起,回顾一年来值得感恩的人和事,不论男女老少,皆可分享.
所有教会也会举行一次感恩礼拜,.当然, 不论是家庭或教会聚会, 最大的感恩就是上帝的眷顾与恩赐. 感恩的不仅是我们所期盼的成果,更重要的是为本年度我们所受到的挫折和磨练献上感恩.
在感恩节那天,许多餐馆还邀请雇员及家属用餐, 对雇员一年辛苦表示感谢, 也为无家可归的人提供免费餐饮,用感恩的心给这些人送上温暖.

第1个回答  2009-10-06
The Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival is a family reunion, in such a family day, family reunion, visit familys, where they could eat, we had a good time playing.In the Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival evening family back together, do a lot of good food to make dinner for the family reunion and the whole family together. eat moon cakes in traditional Chinese cuisine to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival family reunion.In American Society of the year, the most important family reunion of the Festival, is that every year on the fourth Thursday in November of Thanksgiving day.General American Thanksgiving arranged ahead of schedule, home reunion. When, family will have a Thanksgiving Party, gathering together all of its members, a worthy of indebted persons and things, whether men, women, can share.All Church will hold a Thanksgiving week,. of course, whether home or church gathering, the greatest Thanksgiving is God Almighty and the gift. Not only is our Thanksgiving to the expected results, and more importantly this year we will bring you to practice your frustration and a sense of gratitude.At Thanksgiving Day, many restaurants also be invited to dine, employees and their families a year for employees expressed its gratitude, as well as homeless people to provide free food and beverage, with a thankful heart to these people warm.