
朋友们帮帮忙吧!明天考试要用!1好的书籍可以成为年轻人生活的导师。(serve to be)2我认为她是高雅而不是美丽,(describe ... as)3这家公司是用电脑来做账。(de one"s accounts)4全世界有超过九亿人生活贫困。(lead....lives)5她是这次失事中唯一的幸存者.(cover)6我想在天黑前走完100英里。(survive)7什么都好,只是我们离银幕太近了。(except that)

第1个回答  推荐于2016-10-15
1 Good books can serve to be a life mentor for young people。

2 I describe she as elegant, not beautiful。

3 The company Uses computers to do its accounts.

4 More than nine hundred million people lead the world live in poverty

5 She is the only survivor in the crash.我认为这才是正确的。

6 I want to covered 100 miles before nightfall.我认为这才是正确的。

7 What is good, except that we is too near the screen本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2016-11-23
it is a state of mind