

第1个回答  2023-11-03
The United States is located in southern North America, east to the Atlantic,
West Pacific, north of Canada, South to Mexico and the Gulf of Mexico. The whole
territory from east to west can be divided into 5 geographical regions: the
coastal plain in southeastern coastal plain is divided into two parts of the
Atlantic and Mexico coastal plain. This is an area of at an elevation of 200
meters below, the majority formed by the alluvial rivers, especially the
Mississippi River Delta, Delta, the world's largest soil and oil, fertile soil.
There are some swamps near the mouth of the river. Located in the geographical
area of the Florida Peninsula is the United States of America's largest

The Appalachian Mountains located in the west of the Atlantic
coastal plain, basic parallel with the coast, more than 2300 km long, the
general elevation of 1000 ~ 1500 meters, composed of several parallel mountains.
The plain was inverted triangle, long North American and Canadian border, south
the Atlantic Coastal Plains along the Rio Grande river. Western mountains from
the west is composed of two mountains, east of Rocky Mountains, west of the
Sierra Nevada mountains and the cascade mountains. A product of the old fold
after exercise. Whitney Nevada mountain peak 4418 meters above sea level, as the
United States, the highest point, the Cascade Mountains of Mount Rainier 4392
meters, after Whitney peak. Western mountain plateau by the Colorado plateau,
Wyoming plateau, Columbia Plateau and the Grand Canyon, the most complex
geological structure in the western region of the United States of america. The
Grand Canyon is located in the northwest part of Arizona, a series with many
twists and turns, perplexing and deep valley gorge, the momentum of the
majestic, steep rock wall, as the world's rare natural landscape. The United
States has numerous rivers and lakes, water complex, in general can be divided
into three major river systems: where is located in the east of the rocky
mountains into the the Atlantic River are called the Atlantic river system,
mainly in the Mississippi River, Connecticut River and the Hudson river. The
Mississippi River is full-length 6020 kilometers, ranking third in the world.
Where a river called into the Pacific Ocean water. Mainly in the Colorado River,
Columbia River, Yukon etc.. North America east of the Great Lakes group.
Including Lake Superior, Lake Michigan, Lake Huron, Lake Erie and lake Ontario,
a total area of 245000 square kilometers, is the world's largest freshwater,
known as the "North American Mediterranean", the Michigan lake is the United
States of America, the other 4 Lake as the United States and canada. Lake
Superior is the world's largest freshwater lake, the lake area in the world only
to the Caspian Sea and ranked the second in the world.

In most parts of
the United States of America's climate is temperate and subtropical climate,
only the tip of the Florida Peninsula tropical. Northern California is located
in north latitude 60 to 70 degrees, is the cold Arctic climate zone; Hawaii
Prefecture is located to the south of the Tropic of cancer, is a tropical
climate zone. But because the United States has a vast territory, complicated
terrain, different climate. Can be divided into 5 climatic zones: the northeast
coast temperate climate zone. This area because of the impact, the Labrador
Current and the cold northern winter, the average January temperature is -6 ℃,
mild and rainy in summer, in July the average temperature is about 16 ℃. Average
annual precipitation is about 1000 mm. Southeast subtropical climate zone.
Because of the influence of Mexico gulf stream, warm and humid climate, the
average January temperature is 96 ℃, the average July temperature of 24 ~ 27 ℃,
the average annual rainfall of 1500 mm. Central Plains continental climate zone.
This area is characteristic of the climate, the winter cold, in January, the
average temperature of -14 ℃, hot summer, the average temperature in July up to
27 ~ 32 ℃. Average annual precipitation is 1000 ~ 1500 mm. The western plateau
dry climate zone. The regional inland climate, large temperature difference
between the plateau last year, Colorado plateau temperature up to 25 ℃. The
average annual precipitation 500 mm below the desert plateau, less than 250 mm
of precipitation. Along the coast of the Pacific Ocean Climate zone. Winter in
the region, with plenty of rainfall. In January the average temperature over 4
℃, the average July temperature of 20 ~ 22 ℃. Average annual precipitation is
about 1500 mm.

The United States agricultural, mineral and forest
resources play a decisive role, plays a role in the world. The United States of
America's geographical location, climate and terrain structure is be richly
endowed by nature. The United States agricultural land (cultivated land and
pasture) of about 430000000 hectares, accounting for all of earth agriculture
with around 10%. Abundant rainfall, fertile soil, of the world's total grain
output of 1/5, the main agricultural products such as wheat, corn, soybean,
cotton, meat production ranks first in the world.

The United States is
rich in mineral resources, iron ore, coal, natural gas, lead, zinc, silver,
molybdenum, zirconium, uranium output occupies the world front row, but
strategic resources such as titanium, manganese, tin, cobalt, chromium, nickel,
mainly rely on imports. The total coal reserves of 35996 tons, the total oil
reserves of about 24000000000 tons, natural gas reserves of 5603400000000 cubic

The United States has 1800000000 hectares of forest, accounted
for about 31.5% of the total land area, the main tree species are pine,
ponderosa pine, American white pine and oak class.
第2个回答  2023-11-03