

第1个回答  2023-12-31
1. Be crazy about foreign things and obsequious to foreigners.
2. Be subservient to foreigners.
3. Have a servile attitude to foreign things.
4. Trumpet servility to things foreign.
5. Worship (things foreign) and fawn on [upon] foreigners.
6. Worship and have blind faith in foreign things and forfeit national dignity.
1. 崇洋媚外, 丧失国格
Worship and have blind faith in foreign things and forfeit national dignity.
2. 学习外国与崇洋媚外完全是两回事。
To learn from foreign countries is entirely different from worshipping everything foreign.
3. 急于丢弃自己姓名的现象相信和过去崇洋媚外的想法没有关系。
The strong desire to drop Chinese names is probably unrelated to the mentality in the past to fawn over things foreign.
4. 我们过去有一段时间,向先进国家学习先进的科学技术被叫作“崇洋媚外”。
For a certain period of time, learning advanced science and technology from the developed countries was criticized as "blindly worshiping foreign things".
5. 由于近年国际交往增多,受到外国资产阶级腐朽思想作风、生活方式影响而产生的崇洋媚外的现象,现在已经出现,今后还会增多。
With the increasing international contacts of recent years, instances of worshipping things foreign, or fawning on foreigners have begun to appear, owing to the influence of the decadent ideology, work style and way of life of the bourgeoisie abroad. And such phenomena may increase in the future.
Hope the above information is helpful for you.
Good luck:)