HEJUN 是一个性格内向的男孩,很害羞.他不敢在公共场合说话,很少与人交流经常独

HEJUN 是一个性格内向的男孩,很害羞。他不敢在公共场合说话,很少与人交流经常独来独往。你是他的好朋友李娟。请你就这一问题给她写一封信,给他一些适当的建议。字数60词~80词。

第1个回答  2016-03-07
We are living in the world so every day we are getting along with others. How to treat others. Now I would like to give some advice .I think we should be friendly to others and in this case we can make many friends and we can get much pleasure. First we should smile to others and say hello to them when we meet every day. Second we should think of others interest above our own's,which means we must be selfless . Finally we must be honest to them . Only in this way can we get along well with others .本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2017-08-07
We are living in the world so every day we are getting along with others. How to treat others. Now I would like to give some advice .I think we should be friendly to others and in this case we can make many friends and we can get much pleasure. First we should smile to others and say hello to them when we meet every day. Second we should think of others interest above our own's,which means we must be selfless . Finally we must be honest to them . Only in this way can we get along well with others .