求一故事结局: 用英文翻译,今晚想要这个东东,十万火急,望高人相住,小弟感激不禁

本人跪求一故事结局:一男人想要找一位很了解他 但又没见过面的姑娘。一天他去图书馆看书,在一页书的页脚上看到一位女士的格言和姓名地址,那个女士住在纽约,男人开始与她通信,不幸的是男人参加了二战。但在那段时间他们也一直保持着通信。一次男人向那个女士要相片,那个女士没有给他,并说:喜欢一个人并不能要靠一个人的外貌,假如我很美,你依旧会一直通信,假如我很平常(也最有可能)你可能紧会因诚实和好心继续与我通信,但我不想那样,不,我们在以后会见面的,到时在由我们决定是继续还是停止。一年后,那个男人回来了,约好与那个女士在晚上7点见面,女士说她会在领口别上一朵红玫瑰。时间一分一秒的过着,终于快到7点了,这时男人看到一个相当漂亮穿这绿色风衣的金发美女向这里走了过来,男人眼睛都要直了,感觉到春天来临了,于是也向那个女士那边走去。但他没有注意到那个美女的领口没有玫瑰。当他到身边时才发现,但是美女的后面跟着一位40岁左右的老妇女,她带着玫瑰。男人有点失望但很快又变的高兴,他与老太高兴的交谈,最后那个老太竟说她不是他的笔友。刚才来时一位穿绿色风衣的姑娘(就是前面那位美女)把玫瑰给了她并挂在了领口,并说如果有个男人很真诚的与您交谈,您就告诉他我在前面的饭店等他。男人很兴奋,向饭店走去。 求结局,还得用英文(把结局)翻译过来,小弟很急,望哪位高人给小弟指点迷津,小弟我烧香拜佛谢谢了。

第1个回答  2006-12-27
want to find a man but he does not have met a very understanding lady.one day he went to the library and read.kok page in the page to see a womans motto and name and address ,which president lived in new york ,her commcuication with the man.unfortunately,the man participated in the 2nd world war.But during that time they have maintainde commcuication.MS.photographs of a man to that,that presidrnt gave him and siad:DO you like a person is not a person,I have to rely on the appearance.If I lovely.You will still have commcuication,if i very common(and most likely),you may continue to bear with me because honesty and good commcuication.But I do not,no,we will meet in the future,when we decide whether to continue or stop.A year later,that man back,which he arranged to meet Ms.7:00.she said there will be bunches of red roses in the other neckline.The lead time of a second,and finally to 7:00.Then see a man wearing a green windbreaker very pretty blond beauty here to take over,eyes should be straight men.feel that the advent of spring.then,the other side to that pesident walking.But he failed to note that peaident neckline no Red Rose.When he discovered around,but the beauty of older women in the back with about 40 years old,she brought roses a big disappointed but men are changing rapidly happy hes haapy to talk with her.The last lady has said she is not their personalities just come to a gilr weaeing a green windbreaker(who is in front of beautiful women) roses to her and hung on the neckline said a man and sincerely talk with you,you told him that I was waiting for him in front of the hotel men very excited walking to the hotel.