match sth.


第1个回答  2022-07-06
使…较量; 与…相配; 使与…一致 (cause to) contest; balance; equal
match with sth
Let beggars match with beggars.龙配龙,凤配凤.
This ribbon matches with your dress.这条缎带跟你的衣服很相称.
It's hard to find words that match well with this music.很难给这首曲子配上合适的歌词.
The curtains do not match with the decorations.窗帘和室内的装饰品不协调.
match sb/sth with sb/sth
We'll match him with Jones.They are both good boxers.我们会让他和琼斯较量,他俩都是好拳击手.
I can match your story with another.我能讲一个故事来和你的故事媲美.
We should match their generosity with our own.我们应该像他们一样慷慨大方.
I should be pleased to match my daughter with your son,so that we could become even closer friends.我很高兴把女儿许配给你的儿子,这样我们就会成为更亲近的朋友了.
You should match the design at the edge of one length of paper with that at the edge of the one next to it.你糊墙纸时,应当使纸边上的图案和与之相接的一张的图案相吻合.
Take care to match the sewing thread with the cloth so that the stitches,being of the same colour,will not show.要尽量使线的颜色和布相配,这样就看不出线缝了.
The government has promised to match the council's gift to the university with an equal payment.政府答应给这所大学一笔数目与那个委员会的赠款相当的钱.
I matched the color of my sweater with the color of my shirt.我使毛线衫的颜色和裙子的颜色协调起来.
You should match words with action.你应当言行一致.
You didn't match your words with deeds.你的言行不一致.