

第1个回答  2022-08-16
  I‘m sleepy. 我困了

  I’m so sleepy. 我很困

  I‘m drowsy. 我困了

  I want to take a catnap. 我想打个盹

  I’d like to lie down for a while. 我想躺会儿

  I‘m going to bed. 我要去睡觉了

  I’m going to lie down. 我去躺一会

  I‘m going to take a rest. 我休息一会儿

  It’s time to sleep. 到睡觉的时间了。

  Time to go to sleep. 该睡觉了

  Hurry up and go to sleep. 快点睡觉

  Tell children to go to sleep. 叫孩子们睡觉

  You have to get up early tomorrow morning. Hurry up and go to sleep. 明天还得早起,快点睡觉吧。

  You‘d better turn in early tonight and get a good night’s rest. 你最好早点睡觉,好好休息一夜。

  No need to go to sleep, it‘s still early. 不必着急睡,还早着呢。

  I’m wide awake. 我一点都不困。

  Let‘s get the quilt out. 把被子拿出来吧

  Let’s get the futon out. 把被子拿出来吧

  Let‘s spread out the futon. 铺床吧

  Make sure you brush your teeth. 一定要刷牙哦

  Are you ready for tomorrow? 明天的`东西都准备好了吗?

  No, not yet. 没有,还没准备好呢

  Do you need an alarm clock? 你需要闹钟吗?

  Have you set up the alarm clock? 你定闹钟了吗?

  I set the alarm clock for 7:00. 把闹钟定在7点了

  I set it for 7:00. 把闹钟定在7点了 Put the alarm clock on for 6:30 a.m. 把闹钟拨到早上6点30分。 Wake me up at seven tomorrow. 明天7点叫醒我

  Cover yourself up well. 把被子盖好

  Tomorrow is holiday, so we can lie in. 明天是假日,你可以睡懒觉了。 Look forward to a nice long lie-in tomorrow. 盼着明天好好睡个懒觉。 Were you sleeping? 你睡着了吗?

  Were you asleep? 你睡着了吗?

  No, I was awake. 没有,还没睡呢

  You’re pretending to be asleep. 你在装睡呀

  You‘re just pretending that you’re asleep 你在装睡呀

  You‘re not really asleep. 你没有真睡吧

  I know you’re still awake. 我知道你还没睡

  You‘re still up? 你还没睡?

  Do you dream often? 你常做梦吗?

  Do you often have dreams?你常做梦吗?

  Do you dream a lot? 你常做梦吗?

  Good night. 晚安。

  Don’t let the bedbugs bite. 晚安。 Sleep well, darling. 睡个好觉,亲爱的。 Sleep tight! 睡个好觉!

  Sweet dreams. 做个好梦

  Have pleasant dreams. 做个好梦 He‘s asleep. 他睡着了。